Sec. 1] STUDIES IN THE BHAGAWATT SÜTRA 571 It unites, if there is a proper change in its degree of smoothness or roughness owing to external and internal causes.
In the case of aggregate of numerable, innumerable and infinite atoms with great degrees of smoothness or roughness when uniting they alter the atoms of lesser degree to their own kind."
The BhS embodies both the theories of the Gommatasāra that not only the atoms, having dissimilar properties unite, but also the atoms, having similar properties but of different degrees combine together into a skandha. After union atoms may get disintegrated into different parts. Atoms and aggregates of atoms, having two upto infinite parts get integrated and disintergrated, e. g. two atoms combine together and get transformed into a skandha, having two parts. That skandha, while getting splitted up gets disintegrated into atoms by oneness."
Transformation of Matter
There are five kinds of transformation of matter, viz. varnaparināma (transformation of colour), gandha parināma (transformation of smell), rasa parināma (transformation of taste) and sparkapariņāma (transformation of touch) and saristhānapariņāma (transformation of figure). They are again subdivided into different groups according to their respective numbers, e. g. there are five kinds of varnapariņāma, viz. black. upto white, etc." Pudgala Parivartta (union of atoms with matter)
It is explained in the Bhs, that there take place infinite pudgala-parivartta: owing to the process of integration and disintegration of atoms.? The pudgala-parivarttas are divided into seven kinds viz. audārika, vaikriyika, taijasa, kārmaņa, mana, vāk, and anaprāņa-unions of atoms with the gross physical matter, with the transformation body, with the firy-body, with the karmic body, with matter of mind, matter of speech and matter of breathing in and out. They are explained with regard to all beings from different aspects, such as, time, etc. Matters, atoms and aggre
1 BhS, 618. 16, 619. 6 16, 8, 10, 356.
% 16, 1, 10, 80. 8_7 1b, 12, 4, 446.
16, 12, 4, 445. 8 16, 12, 4, 446-448.
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