(Ch. IX
In the Buddhist texts Jambūdvipa signifies the continent of India. Comparative Study of the evidences furnished by the above three sources regarding Jambūdvīpa
According to the Jaina conception there are nine Varsas of Jambūdvipa in the centre of which lies the mount Meru, to the south of which are located Himavāna, Mahāhimavāna and Nişadha, the three mountains by which Bharata, Himavata and Harivarşa are demarcated respectively.
By the same order Nila, Rukmi, Sikhari, Ramyaka, Hairanyavata and Airāvata Kretra are placed ; in between the Nisadha and Nila mountains Videha is situated, while Deva is placed in between two mountains, viz. Saumanasa and Vidyutprabha and Uttarakuru in between Gandhamādana and Mālyavāna.
Just like this Jambūdvīpa is discribed in the Brāhmaṇical works as an island having a space of 1,00,000 Yojanas and a shape like a lotus with Meru as its Karnikā (Pericarp) and the Varsas or Mahādvīpas, viz. Bhadrāíva, Bhārata, Ketumāla and Uttarakuru, as its four petals.
The elevated land around Meru is known as Ilāvsta to the east of which lies Bhadrāśva in between Mālyavāna mountain and the eastern sea ; to the west of Ilāvịta, Ketumala in between Gandhamādana and the western sea ; to the north of this tract lie Ramyaka, Hairanyavata, and Uttarakuru ; Ramyaka in between Nila and Sveta ; Hairanyavata in between Sveta and Srågavāna, and Uttarakuru in between $rngavāna and the north sea.
On the south of this tract are Bhārata, Kimpurusa and Harivarsa ; Harivarsa lies in between Nisadha and Hemakūta ; Rimpurusa in between Hemakūta and Himavāna, and Bhārata, being the most southern Varsa lying in between the Himavāna and the southern sea extending upto the ocean.
Thus taking Bhadrāíva and Ketumāla and Ilāvrta there are nine Varšas in the Jambūdvzpa island.
1 Geographical Essays p. 5; M, R. E. of Asoka R. E. xiii,
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