As regards the Ājivika austerity the text gives some ideas about it by describing the practice of severe penance of Gośāla, raising his hands high in the sunshine, giving up six con. secutive meals, living on a handful of lump of kulmāsa (benn or rice gruel) and one sip of water in the initial stage of his asceticism. Thus he attained the faculty of condensed sufficient fiery energy at the end of six months. He is also found to have performed the acts of austerities and meditation on the Ātāpanabhūmi during his stay in the premises of his female disciple, Hālāhalā, the potteress in the city of Šrāvastī."
The evidences of the practice of austerities and meditation as revealed in the Bhs are also fully corroborated by other Jainas and Buddhist works and other works in details.
Thus the Sthānānga Sūtra presents an account of their severe penances by describing the four kinds of their austerities, viz, uggatava, ghoratava (ghorata pa), rasa-nijjuhanatā (absention from liquids-rasa .ghrtādi) and jihvendriya pratisamlinatā (indiffe. rence to pleasures of sense of taste).
The account of the practice of severe austerities by Bodhisattva born as an Ājivilea, in the peaceful atmosphere of a denseforest tlirows light upon the nature of asceticism and meditation of this sect. According to the Tamila Civañāna-cittiyāra the Ājivika doctrine ordains self-torturing asceticism to all souls as the road to spiritual liberation.
The evidences of the Tittira Jātaka suggest the practice of secret magical rites of a repulsive tantric type which is also implied by the last behaviour of Gośāla.
| BhS, 15, 1, 545 : Ib, 15, 1, 530; 546 3 Sthānānga Sutra, IV. 309 ; Aupapātika Sūtra. 4 Lomahaisa Jataka, 1. p. 390, Jāt. 1. p. 493. Also see
Nigamttha Jātaka; Tittira Jataka-III pp. 541-2. 5 Civañāna Cittiyāra ; ed. Mudāliyar-p. 235. v. 1.; Sugiura :
"Hindu-Logic as prescribed in China and Japan-p. 16, quoting Hyaku-ron soi 22. Dr. Hoernle identifies the Alibekas with the Digambara Jaivas E.R.E. 1. p-269. 6 BhS, 15, 1, 553,
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