Sec. II]
to the first one, viz. pāpakam (sinful) upto bhūtābhisarkanam (alarmed about the evil spirit).
Vägvinaya (moral discipline of speech or vocal discipline)
It is also divided into two main categories, viz. prasasta (auspicious) and aprašasta (inauspicious) vāgvinayas, which are sub-divided into seven groups like Manavinaya.
Kāyavinaya (discipline in behaviour done through the body or physical discipline)
It is also classified into two groups like Manavinaya and Vāgrinaya, viz. praśasta and aprašasta. Auspicious physical discipline is prescribed to be of seven kinds, viz. careful in going, careful in standing, sitting, stretching out limbs, crossing, recrossing, and controlled activity of all senses. Ina uspicious physical discipline is also stated to be of seven kinds which are opposite to the auspicious ones.
Lokopacāravinaya (discipline in general behaviour)
It is of seven kinds, viz. abhyās avarttitvam (tutelage under preceptors), paracchandānuvarttitvam (obedience to teachers). kāryahetum facilitating means and ways for preceptor's functions), krta pratikrtatā (gratefulness), arttagavesanatā (nursing of diseased monks), desakālajšiată (performance of duties according to the conditions of time and place), and sarvärthesu-a pratilomatā (sympathetic attitude in all functions).
Vaiyāvrtya (moral discipline in service or attendance)
It is of ten kinds, viz. services to Ācāryas, Upadhyāyas, Sthaviras, ascetics, patients, disciples, the family of monks, the community or assembly of monks, order, and fellow-monks respectively.
Svadhyāya (study)
It is divided into five groups, viz. vācanā (recitation), prati prcchanā (question), parāvarttanā (repetition of the studied
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