Sec. IV]
Aupamika-kāla is divided into two kinds, viz. Palyopama and Sāgaropama.
Atom is the last indivisible unit of matter occupying : certain imperceptible point of space.
One UschlakşnaSlaksnika is formed by the union of infinite atoms, eight Ucchlaksna-Slakşnika make one Ślakşņa-Slakşnikā; eight Slakana-Slaleşnikās constitute one Urdhvarenu (atom of dust or rising grain of dust), eight Urdhvarenus one Trasareņu (moving grain or atom of dust raised by wind); eight Trasarenus one Ratharenu (grain of dust raised by the movement of a chariot), eight Ratharenus-one Vālāgra of men of Devakuru and Uttarak ru.
Thus there becomes one tuft of hair (Vālāgra) of men of Harivarșa and Ramyaka from the eight Vālāgras of men of Devakuru and Uttarakuru ; One Vālāgra of men of Haimavata and Airāvata from the eight Vālāgras of men of Harivarsa and Ramyaka ; and one Vālāgra of men of Pūrvavideha from the eight Vālāgras of men of Haimavata and Airāvata.
One Liksā is made by the union of eight Vālāgras of men of Pírvavideha ; one Yuka (or Yuvas) by that of eight Liksās ; one Yavamadhya by that of eight Yukus (or Yuvas); and one Angula by that of eight Yavamadhyas.
By the unit of measure of Angula (finger) the further calculation is made thus :
Six Angulas make one Päda; twelve Angulas one Vitasti; twenty-four Angulas one Rayani (one cubit); forty-eight Angulas one Kukşi; ninety-six Angulas one Dunda or Dhanūşa or Yuga or Nālikā or Akşa or Muşalı.
By this measure of Dhanușa one Krosa (gauyam) is formed by the area of two thousand Dhanusas and one Yojana by that of four Krosas.
By this unit of Yojana one Palya (a storing place), being one Yojana in length, one Yojana in breadth and one Yojana in
1 BKS, 6, 7, 247; 11, 11, 426.
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