Sec. II]
Yavatkathika Anasana is of two kinds, viz. Padapopagamana (observance of fast by sitting like a tree) and Bhaktapratyakhyāna (observance of fast by giving up food up-to death). The Padapopagamana fast is stated to be of two kinds, viz. Nihärima and Aniharima, as explained in the eighth section of the fourth chapter on 'Social Conditions'.
It is a kind of austerity which enjoins upon the monks to reduce their articles, food and evil passions etc., for spiritual progress. There are stated to be two kinds of Avamodarika tapaḥ, viz. Dravyavamodarika (taking of less articles, food, etc.), and Bhāvāvamodarika (less passion, less evil thought, etc.). The first one is sub-divided into two groups, viz. Upakaranadravyā vamodarika (taking of less articles) and Bhaktapānadravyāvamodarika (taking of less food and drink). The austerity practised by the acceptance of one cloth, one pot and enjoyment of articles that are discarded and rejected by others is called U pakaraṇadravyāvamodarikā, while that which is called Bhaktapānadravyāvamodarikā is observed by taking less food and drink, e. g. a morsel of food equal to the size of th part of an egg of hen upto 1/32 part of an egg.1 Bhavavamodarika austerity is of many kinds, such as, reduction of anger (alpa-krodha), reduction of greed (alpa-lobha), less talk and the like.
There are stated to be many kinds of Bhiksacarya (the practice of begging alms under restriction) in respect of the article (Dravyabhigraha-caraka), the place of origin (Ksetrabhigraha-caraka), time (Kalabhigraha-caraka) and mental & physical conditions of the alms given (Bhāvābhigraha-caraka), etc.
There are stated to be many kinds of austerity of giving up dainties, such as, abstension from nirvikrtika (delicious) and
1 BhS, 7, 1, 269.
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