Sec. 1]
(csaīposanayā), charcoal making (Ingālakamma), cutting of forest (woods, Vanakamma), making and selling of carts (Sāļīkamma), ploughing (Phodikamma), castrating (Nillamchanakamma),', act of setting fire to the forest (Davaggidāvanayā), draining of lake (Saradahatalāya-parisosaņaya)', etc.
The account of the life of the householders and mercantile class and their respective occupations as given in the BhS is also corroborated by other Jaina texts in which they figure as rich land owners, cultivators and merchants.
Thus it is known from the study of those works that a number of agriculturists and merchants, viz. Ananda', a rich land owner of Vānijyagrāma, Pārāśara", a householder known as Krsipärāšara, Kūiyaņņa, another householder, Gosamkhī”, a Kufumbī, the lord of the Abhiras and Nanda”, a merchant of Rājagyha prospered with their respective professions and wealth.
The references to the occupations of this third social order as found in the Bhs and other Jaina texts are also supported by the Buddhistio and Brāhmaṇical works".
In the society, like the Ksatriyas, a number of householders and merchants also undertook the state of houselessness after getting themselves initiated to Sramana Dharma and other systems of religion. Thus the text reveals that the householders Tāmali's and Pūraņa'got themselves initiated to Pāņāmā and Dāņāmā Pravrajyā initiations respectively, while the merchants
i Bhs, 8, 5, 330. Sri Abhayadeva means castration of cattle by
this word. 16, 8, 5, 330. These fifteen kinds of occupations were not approved by the religious teachings as embodied in the Bhs, though they were taken up by the people of its society to
earn their livelihood. 3 Oväiya Sutta, 27; CF. Fick. Op. cit, p. 256 ff. See also 'Life
in Ancient India by Dr. J. C. Jain, Fı. 30, p. 143. 4 (Gūhāvai) Ovãiya Sutta, 27, (Ananda) Uvāsagadasāo (Lec. 1
Hoerole's Translation). o Uttarādhyayana ?ikā, 2, p. 45 6 Avasyaka Cūrni p. 44. 1 Ib, p. 297.
8 Näyädhammakahāo, 13, p. 9 Mahāpurāna, Parva 16.
141. 10 Buddhist India, Rhys Davids, 11 Manu-Smrti, 1,90, (87-91)
Ch. IV, pp. 32-39. 12 BhS, 3, 1, 134,
13 16, 3, 2, 144.
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