[Ch. IV
fact that the Vânaprastha stage of Siva guided him further in attaining the final spiritual realization.
There are references to the actual operation of the fourth stage of life in the Bhs as found in the cases of Parivrājaka Skandaka? of Srāvasti and Pudgala Parivrājaka of Alabhikä'.
Skandaka resided in the Parivrājakavasati (matha, ascetic's residing place), in the city of Srāvasatī and passed time by practising austerities and meditation, having possessed Tridanda (three staves), Kundikā ( Kamandalu = water pot ), Kaficanikā (Rudrāksamālă = rosary), Karoţikā (earthen vessel), Bhrfikā (grass seat), Kefarika (duster), Şaạnalikā (Trikasthika= an article), Ankusa (axe), Pavitraka (staining cloth or ring), Gañetrikā (a kind of ornament or rosary, Chhatra (umbrella), U pānaha (shoes), Padukā (wooden sandals), and Dhāturaktavastra (red-coloured garment).
One day this Skandaka, being unable to answer to the question of Pingala ka, a disciple of Lord Mahāvīra, whether the Universe was finite or infinite, etc., went to the Master who was staying by this time at the Chatrapalāśaka Caitya outside the city of Kajangalā to have the true explanation of the same.
Having been satisfied with the holy teachings on the subject he got initiated by Lord Mahāvīra to Sramana. Dharma to undertake the state of houselessness. After practising various acts of austerities and meditation for many years he attained the highest spiritual realization and liberation.
These examples give an idea of the fourth stage of life as it was in actual operation in the society.
Side by side the Bhs presents a picture of the state of houselessness of the Nirgrantha order, as it is evidenced in the greetings accorded to prince Jamālī by the people on his way to Bahuśālaka Caitya to get initiated by Lord Mahāvīra to Sramana Dharma in order to take to ascetic life.
The people greeted him by saying thus "you conquer the uuconquered senses with unbroken and best knowledge (jriāna),
1 BhS, 2, 1, 90.
* 10, 11, 12, 436.
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