Sec. I] STUDIES IN THE BHAGAWATI SŪTRA 153 Lord Mahāvīra to Sramına Dharma. They attained liberation by studying the prescribed religious texts, practising severe austerities, and meditation'.
The above discussion shows that four classes of the Brāhmaṇns, viz. rich householders, officiating priests and propitiators, interpreters of signs of dream and ascetics were in existence in the society during the time of Lord Mahāvīra. Duties of the Brāhmanas
The text clearly reveals that the main functions of the Brāhmaṇas were study of the Vedas and other Brāhmaṇicál texts, teaching and officiating at worship’, interpretation of dreams', propitiating for others”, receiving and giving of gifts, entertaining of guests and ascetics and asceticism.
Duties of the Brāhmaṇas as enumerated in the Bhs are also corroborated by other Jaina texts. Thus in the Mahāpurāna" it is said that the duties of the Brāhmaṇas are study, teaching, receiving and giving of gifts and performance of sacrifice.
"Adhityadhyāpane dānam praticchejyeti tatkriyāḥ".
Some other Jaina works provide the information that the Brāhmaṇas were well.versed in the fourteen subjects of study (cauddasa vijjāthāņa) and they were employed by the king in his court, as it is evidenced by tbe fact revealed in the Uttaradhyavana Tikalo that one Brāhmana scholar was appointed by the king of Kausāmbi in the place of Karava, the former state Brāhmana after his death.
There is also reference in the Uttarādhyayana Sūtral to the Brāhmaṇa teachers who lived in the association of their pupils
i Bhs, 9, 33, 382. * Ib, 9, 33, 380 ; 15, 1, 540; 15, 1, 541, 18, 10, 647; 11, 11, 428. Ib, 18, 10, 647.
4 10, 11, 11, 428. Ib, 11, 11, 430.
6 16, 8, 6, 332. (Samana Mahana).
8 Ib, 2, 1, 40; 8, 6, 332 ; 11, 9, 417. • Mahāpuräna, Parva, 16, L, 264. 10 Uttaradhyayana sikā, 8, p. 123 a. 11 Uttaradhyayana Sutra, 112, 19. "Ajjhāvayānari vayanai suņittā uddhājā tattha bahü kumārā daridehid vettehim kasehim ceva samāgayā tam isim tālayamti" (119). 20
a 1, 15, 1,540: Parva. 16; 10. 123 a.
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