Similarly, the spar«sa guru (heaviness) and laghu (lightness) are to be identified with mass. A param"a]nu has no mass but it must possess either a + ive electric charge (snigdhatva) or a -ive electric charge (ruk]stva). All catu]hsapar«s$û r"uk]sa compositions have no mass. In other words, param"a)nu pudgala and all catu]hsapar«s$û pudgala are neither guru nor laghu.
They are agurulaghu i.e. without mass." 90. 2412414d2dire, 494 (alst), 4/4. 2C (8 Hose Roncalore slel, All
3, 485 48 € &lal Geert, Qyds291 216€) ?}. (a) Iturriariscoll JERUTA NU 37:10513171
HET-751-YTAT, 4 su querdien 11611 सांतर-निरंतरेदरसुण्णा पत्तेयदेह धुवसुण्णा । बादरणिगोदसुण्णा सुहुमा सुण्णा महाकंधा ॥८॥
States RTG la stat, 771-3, go 483 (ISLL elbe wed) (b) J.S. Zaveri and Muni Mahendra Kumar, Op. cit, pages 118-119:
“In Jain Canonical literature, its commentaries, and other literature, most of the above eight important categories are generally included in twenty-three types. Beginning from most minute param"a]nu varga]n'a and ending with the largest achittamah"askandha-varga]n"а, there are infinite number of groups of pudgala. But it is possible to reduce the number of varga]n"as to twenty-three by grouping them together from certain aspects. [(a) Gom, J$ûva-k"an]da, verses 594, 595: (b) Dhavala, book XIV, part V, VI, s"utra 97, verses 7, 8 p. 117] 1. In the first category, there are free (unattached) solitary
param"a]nus, which form “A]nuvarga]na”. 2. The second category contains composite bodies (skandha)
composed of from two param"a]nus to the limit of “numer
able param"a]nus." 3. We, then, come to the category of composite bodies made
up of “Innumerable (asamkhy"ata) param"a)nus." 4. Next comes the category of the composite bodies constituted
by "infinite (ananta) param"a]nus”. All these four categories are incapable of being attracted, assimilated and transformed by the psychical order of existence. It has been emphasized that it is an immutable physical law of the universe that the quality of associability is for ever absent
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