५८०. एकादश जे अंग थी, मिलता वचन सुजाण ।
सर्व मानवा जोग्य मुझ, पइन्ना प्रमुख पिछाण ।।१३।। ५८१. धुर वे अंगनी वृत्ति जे, शीलाचारज कीध ।
अभयदेव सूरी करी, नव अंग वृत्ति प्रसीध ॥१४।। ५८२. फुन अभयदेव सूरे रचित, प्रथम उपंग प्रबंध ।
चंद्र सूरि विरचित वृत्ति, निरावलिया श्रुतस्कंध ।।१५।। ५८३. शेष उपंग रु छेद नीं, मलयगिरि कृत जोय ।
हेमाचार्य वृत्ती करी, अनुयोगद्धार नी सोय ॥१६|| ५८४. हरिभद्र सूरे करी, दशवैकालिक वृत्त ।
भाष्य अनै बलि चूणि पिण, पूर्वाचार्य रचित ॥१७॥ ५८५. तिम ए षट नी नवि करी, पूर्वाचारज जोय ।
तिण सूं तिणे न मानिया, एहवू दीसै सोय ।।१८।। ५८६. शेष रह्या बत्तीस जे, मानण जोग्य अरोग्य ।
एह थी मिलता अन्य पिण, छै मुझ मानण जोग्य ।।१९।। 74. Satish K. Gupta, op. cit., pp. 1085-1088
"Photon A photon is a packet of energy. It possesses energy given by E = h v where h = 6.62 x 10-34 J s is the Planck's constant and v is the frequency of the photon. If 2 is the wavelength of the photon, then c = vr.. Here, c = 3 x 108 m s-l is velocity of light. Therefore, E = h v = " Photoelectric effect Hallwach discovered that an insulated zinc plate connected to a gold leaf electroscope and charged negatively lost its charge, when a beam of ultraviolet light was directed on the plate. In order to explain this observation, Haliwach suggested that the metal surface loses negative charge due to ejection of electrons from its surface by the ultraviolet light. The effect was termed as photoelectric effect. The phenomenon of ejection of electrons from a metal surface, when light of sufficiently high frequency falls upon it, is known as the photoelectric effect.
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