T. W. Rhys Davids--Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion as illustrated by some points in the History of Indian Buddhism-London, 1881.
P. 27. Remarks on the origin of the Philosophical theories of the Buddhism and of the Jainism, and particularly of the doctrine of Buddha. Resemblances with the ancient Hindu Pbilosophical schools.
Rajendralál MITRA-Indo-Aryans. 2 vols. Calcutta. London, 1881.
Vol. 1, pp. 16, 36, 63. Jain temples. Vol. 2, Pp. 355, 369, Jain temples. Vol. 2, Pp. 357, 417, 418, Jainism of Asoka.
H. JACOBI-Ueber Kalacoka-Udayin, (Zeitschrift der deutschen morgenlandischen Gesellschaft, vol. XXXV, Pp. 667-674). Leipzig, 1881.
Critical study of the Jaina ideas relating to Udayin, it admits to identify with Kālāšoka. Text of the Parisistaparvan, VI, 22—40 and 175-252, in which there is talk of Udayin.
(Indian Antiquary,
J. KIATT-Extracts from the historical records of the Jains. vol. XI, Pp. 245-256). Bombay, 1882.
A very important work of great interest for the history of the Jaina schools, The matter is of the pastavalis of the Kharatara and Tapa sects, established according to the unpublished works, in particular the Gurvavalisutra of Dharmasāgara.
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