___ स्याद्वाद सिद्धान्त सूर्यके समान सत्यतत्त्वको प्रकाशित करता है, उससे जिन व्यक्तियोमें ज्योतिका जागरण नहीं हुआ है, यथार्थमे वे विचारे करुणाके पात्र है।
शकराचार्य द्वारा स्याद्वादकी चिन्तनापर विशेषज्ञोकी कडी आलोचना देख डा० एस० के० वेलवलकर एक मनोहर कल्पना द्वारा शकर का समर्थन और ममत्त्व प्रकट करनेका विचित्र प्रयास करते है। डॉक्टर
१ "न टेकत्र नानाविरुद्ध धर्मप्रतिपादकः स्याद्वादः, किन्त्वपेक्षाभेदेन तदविरोधद्योतकस्यात्पद-समभिव्याहृतवाक्यविशेषः स इति"
___-यायखडखाद्य ४२। २ "Sankaracharya was a Bhasyakara and the account he has given of Jainism iepresents merely an expanded form of the view of Jainism, which is as old as Badarayana, the author of Vedanta Sutras. The sutra. "नकस्मिन्नसम्भवात्" (2-2-38) has been interpreted by all the Bhasyakaras in the same manner and its very wording suggests that the view here taken of Jainism is an ancient view, which cannot entirely have been a deliberate misrepresentation In any case that is the oldest account of Jainism in non-Jain texts that is to us available and (the theory of a wilful and malicious misrepresentation apart) there is no reason why we should not regard it as not untruly representing a tendency in Jainism, which was its weakest and the most vulnerable spot In its later presentation of course Syadavda becomes all that my critics claim, for it, may more it becomes almost a platitude which nobody would care to seriously call in question "
Dr. S. K. Belvalker, M. A, Ph D.--Article on The Under Current of Jainism in Jain Sahitya Samshodhak, 1920, vol 1, p. 2-3.