परिशिष्ट १ The Nagpur Times Daily of 26th May, 1949 publishes this article :
"Gaining Universal Brother - hood. PT. DIWAKER'S SUGGESTION TO U. N. 0.
Pt. Sumerchand Jain Diwaker of Seoni has addressed a letter to the members of the U. N. O., as well as some leading personages of the day calling attention to the desideratum of Universal Brotherhood, which alone can usher into this war-worn planet of ours the kingdom of peace and prosperity.
In the course of his letter, Shri Diwaker writes :
"To achieve this noble objective it is desirable that at least one day in a year be devoted by all nations to contemplate upon fostering fraternal feelings among all, and to earnestly-explore ways and means to realise the ideal of Uni- , versal Brotherhood If leaders and statesmen of the world forget their narrow interests only for a day and regard themselves bound with the sacred tie of biotherhood to all living beings, brushing