Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 56
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ 30 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [ FEBRUARY, 1927 VEDIC STUDIES. By A, VENKATASUBBIAH, M.A., PH.D. (Continued from vol. LV, page 234.) 1, 124, 4: úpo adarsi Sundhyúvo na váksho nodha' ivärir akyta priyd'ni admasán ná sasató bodhayanti sasvattama gât púnar eyúshinam "The breast (that is, the upper body) of Ushas has come to view like that of a resplendent (young) woman; she has made manifest her own (greatness) like nodhas : waking the sleepers like the hoty, she has come again, the most frequent comer of those that come again". After priyani, own, I supply the word mahimnah after 7,75, 1: vy ushi' avo divija' téndvishkrnvåna' mahima'nam a' gåt. The same word, or, if a neuter noun be deemed necessary, the word mahitvam or mahitvanam, it seems to me, should be supplied also in 4, 4, 5: dvish korrushwa daivydny agne (daivyani=daivyáni mahitváni; daivyáni viryani; Sayaņa supplies tejamsi) and 2.23. 14: avis tát krshva vád ásat ta ukthyam (yat=yat mahitvam; yad viryam; Sayağa has yad viryam). Nodhas still remains an obscure word and its meaning is unknown. Priya means own' in the following passages also: TS. 5,1,5,2 : chándáisi khalu vá' agnéh priyd' tanu'h priyayaivainan tanúvá píridadháti "the chandamsi, indeed, are the own body (self) of Agni; he covers him with his own body (self)"; ibid., 5, 1, 6, 2: eshâ' vá' agnéh priya' tanú'r yád ajd' priyayaivainam tanúvd sansrjati" this, namely, the she-goat, is verily the own body (self) of Agni; he unites him with his own body (self)"; ibid., 5, 7,3, 4:esha' khálu va' agnéh priya' tanu'r yad vaisvánaráh priya'yám evainam tanúvám prátishtha payati"this, namely, Vaišvånara, is verily Agni's own body; he establishes him in his own body " (compare vaisvinara iti vd agneh priyam dhama "Vaišvånara is Agni's own body" in Tandya Br. 14, 2, 3; and Ait. Br. 3, 8, 6-7); TS. 5, 3, 10,3 : etád vd' agnéh priyám dha' ma yad ghytám priyéraivainam dha'mnd sámardhayati " This, namely, butter, is verily the own form of Agni; he makes him thrive with his own form "; KS. 20, 1: ajner vd'esha vaisvánarasya priya tanúr yat sikatah “Thig, namely, sand is verily the own body of Agni"'; ibid., 21, 3: priyayaivainam tanud samardhayati "He makes him thrive with his own body (form)". Likewise, it means 'own' in VS. 2, 17: agneh priyam patho' pitam "Go to the own abode of Agni"; in VS. 8, 50: agneh, indrasya, visvesham devd nam, priyam patho 'pihi "Go to the own abode of Agni, Indra, Vi ve Devah " (compare seam påtho apitha 'go to your own abode' in Ass. 1, 11,8); and AV.2, 34, 2: pramuñcánto bhuvanasya réto gatúm dhatla yájamándya devah' | upd'ktam dásamanam yád asthåt priyim devd'ndmápy etu pd'thah "Do ye, releasing the seed of being, show the way to the sacrificer, O gods; what, brought hither and immolated, stood up, living, let it go to the own abode of the gods, (compare TS. 3, 1,4,3: upåkrtan sasamanám yád ásthay jinám devd nám ápy-etu pá'thah and TS. 5, 1, 11,4: ásvo ghrténa tmanya 8ámakla úpa devá' n tusih på'tha etu)." And similarly priya means "own'in TS. 1,5, 3, 2-3: sapta te agne samidhah saptá jíhváh saptá ?' shayah sapta dha' ma priya'ni and in ibid., 1, 5, 4, 4: sapta sapta vai saptadhdgneh priyds tanuvah. In the same way there can be no doubt that priya generally means own' in the expression privam dhama which occurs fairly frequently in the Yajus-Samhitas and Brahmanas and is interpreted by Böhtlingk and Roth (s.v. dhamı) as 'gewohnte Heimath, Lieblingsstätte, Lieblingssache, Liebhaberei, Lieblings-namo ;-preise, -person' and by Geldner (Glossar, B.v. dhama) ag das Liebe Wegen, die liebo Persönlichkeit, Licblingsname, die liebe Person,' etc.; thus : Kaush. Up. 3,1: Pratardano ha daivodásir indrasya priyam dhåmopajagama yuddhena paurashena ca | tam hendra uvdca pratardana varam te dadaníti | "Pratardana, son of Divodása, went to Indra's own abode by means of battle and valour. Indra said to him, 'Pratardana, I grant thee a boon.'” Indrasya priyan dhama here does not mean Freundschaft, Gunst, Liebe' of Indra (as Geldner would have it) or 'gewohnte Heimath'


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