Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 56
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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[ MARCH, 1927
30 About the year 1500, the deceitful Franks. The name of the Franks was familiar to the Syrians at the time of the Crusades. Barhebraeus also uses it for Europeans'. Hore it applies to the Portuguese, who in 1498 came to India under Vasco da Gama. For their history see J. de Barros, Asia (Venice, 1562, and often republished). Calling them deceitful (szyte) was already an old custom. (Cf. pp. 6, 82, 87.) On the other hand, about the year of the world 6121, a certain Athanasius is called in Theophanes kakoõpyos Ty Tv Súpcov èudúry Kucoupyką, and the fact is that, long before, the Syrians had been held in contempt by the Romans.
31 v. 61 899. Abraham. Assemani tells us, however, (B.O., IV. 447) that, as early as 1578, (Page 188) at the third Synod of Goa, he had condemned the Nestorians. Although he had formally acknowledged the Pope of Rome and had even been created by him Archbishop of Angamale, the Portuguese laid snares to him (Swanston, II. 184).
32 A certain Frank Bishop. Aleixo de Menezes, who in 1599 held the Synod of Diamper, where he burned the books of the Syrians, and ordered to change their rites and customs and even their doctrine.
33 Quqe-in. With 1-1.4 Commonly Cochin. 34 Double gold pieces. In Spanish: doblones de oro. 36 v. 71 999.-52 years. 1.c., from 1601 to 1663 (Assem., B.O., IV. 447).
36 Ignatius. This is also the name given him in the Malabar documents seen by Swanston (189); others, he says, call him 'Attila'. Assemani (loc, laud.) calls him 'Ahstalla.' It is the same name as we saw already above (ad Libr. Chal. p. 53v), where add : "the slave Aithales" from the jurisconsult Scaevola 1. 24. D. de lege Corn. de falsis 48: 10. According to Aseemani, "the Nestorians had heard that Bishop A., whom they had asked for from their Patriarch, had died while kept in prison by the Portuguese." Swanston (p. 190) writes: "The fate of Mar Ignatius was never known," etc.
37 By means of the Syrian deacon. Monetas had doposed all the nativo priests and bishope.
38 Matums-eri. Vowels : -we-i. Swanston (189 sq.): Alanghát; Assem. (loc. laud.): "Making & conspiracy at Matanger, Rapolin, and Mangate, they proclaimed as Bishop the Archdeacon Thomas de Campo and had him consecrated by twelve priests."
39 Nor those who wowed their need. Correct: nor their children.
40 w. 81 sqq. A Bishop of the Pranka. Francisco Roz, of the Society of Jesus. Here, for 'Bishop' we have the word blope, which is the Portuguese word "Bispo'. The pronunciation with the letter, unless it be Portuguese also, may have come from the Sanscrit vidpa, 'lord.
41 Amiral. Vowels: d.o. Not the Spanish word 'almirante,' but the Dutch word 'amiraal.' There is question of the Dutch Captain Ryklof van Goens, who took Cochin in 1663. Cf. Ph. Baldaeus, Beschrijving der Indische kusten Malabar ende Choromandel, Amsterdam, 1672, p. 120, and Valentijn, Oud en Nieuw Oostindian, IV.308. The Indians of Batavia in their historical poems also apply wrongly the title "am iraal' to other captains of those times.
41 W. 91 a99. Gabriel. Assemani (loc. laud.) says that Gabriel, Metropolitan of Adorbigana, went to that country : 300 (ibid., p. 299 sq.) his profession of faith in favour of the Roman Church; he shuffled off this mortal coil (larvam cauit), as Aseemani puts it, in 1716.
49 (Page 184.) Forty-two. Correct : forty-two churches.
4 of the Franciscans ? Vade Sampdlu. No doubt San Pablo, 1.6., St. Paul is meant; but I had not discovered whether the Franciscans or the Dominicans, or, perhaps, the Jesuits had a St. Paul's Church at Goa. At Rome, as far as I know, only the Benedictines and Cistercians have a church dedicated to St. Paul; but neither help our case. However, afterwards, I learned who they were from a codex in the Royal Academy (which see under No. 8 in Weyers' Catalogue lately printed by de Jong), J. H. Schaaf ex. plaining the name Saint-Paulites by 'Jesuita' in his letter of April 12, 1732, p. 14. (Land adds in Anecdota Syriaca, II. 19: "Nowadays, in Italy, the Jesuits are still called 'Paolotti".)
46 Masters ours. He addresses the XVII Directors of the Dutch India Company. Already before 1729 he seems to have sent to Charles Schaaf a petition of the kind, addressed to them: for Schaaf, in his last letter of that year, tells the Bishop not to send copies of Malabar books, our scholars not understanding them; however, a copy of a Malabar book was added to our document.
46 Prefect. Kumadur : Portuguese: Commodore'; Dutch : Commandeur', the title of the prefect of Coobin.
('o be continued.)
Here comes a Syriac letter, which T. K. Joseph declares not clear.