Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 56
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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JUNE, 1927 ]
to return to their nests: the other passages make no mention of this feature. To com pensate for this, there are many RV. verses that make no mention of evening time, but refer, expressly or implicitly, to the swift movement of the birds when returning to their nests. Compare, for instance, 6, 3, 5: citrádhrajatir aratír yo aktor vér ná drushádud raghupátma. jannah, of wonderful speed, shining at night, with swift-flying wings like a bird that is going to sit on a tree (i.e., that is going to its nest; compare particularly the words dvdsa and vrkshdlaya in the passage dvdsotsuka pakshinah kalarutam ...cited above). 1, 25, 4 : párd hi me vimanyavah pátanti vásya-ishtaye váyo na vasati'r úpa, 'like birds to their nests, my prayers fly swiftly, seeking good fortune'; 1, 30, 4: ayám u te sám alasi ka potá iva garbhadhim 'this (Soma juice) is for thee; thou fliest to it as swiftly as a dove does to its nest;' 1, 33, 2: úpéd ahám dhanada'm ápratitam júshtám ní byenó vasati'm palámi 'I fly swiftly to him, the giver of riches, the irresistible, as the falcon flies to its own dwelling place '; 1, 183,1: tám yunjatham mánası yó já viyan trivandhuró vrshand yás tricákrah | yénopayátháh suko'to duronám tridha'tund patatho vír na párņaih yoke, ye two bulls, that (cbariot), which is swifter than thought, has three seats, three wheels and three parts, and on which ye come, ye fly gwiftly, to the dwelling of the pious person like a bird that flies with its wings to its dwellingplace'; 10, 115, 3: tám vo vím ná drushádam ...máhivratam ná sarájantam ádhvanah him (sc. Agni), who moves (as swiftly) as a bird that is going to sit on a tree (i.e., that is going to its nest).... raising dust over paths like a mighty person.'16 Compare also 9, 72, 5: d' práh krátún sám ajair adhvaré mati'r vér ná drushác camrør d' sadad dhárih; 9. 61. 21: sámmislo arusho bhava sú pastha'bhir na dhenúbhih | si' dañc chyenó ná yonim d'; 9, 62, 4 : ásávy andúr máddyd prúd akeho girishtha'h | byenó ná yonim d'sadat ; 9, 71, 6 : byenó ná yonim sádanam dhiya' kytám hiranyáyam asadan devá éshati e rinanti barhishi priyám gira' 'svo ná devd' apy eti yajri'yah; 9, 82, 1: áśavi sómo arusho vy'shah ári rd'jeva dasmo abhí gâ' ucikradat punánó ud'ram páry ety avyáyam byenó ná yonim ghytávantam âsádam ; 9, 86, 35 : Isham a'rjam pava manabhy árshasi byenó ná vářsu kalá deshu edasi; 10, 43, 4: váyo ná vrkshám supaldsam d'sadan sumasa indram mandínas camúsháda'where the idea of swiftness is implied by the comparison with the bird or falcon' sitting,' i.e., going to sit, in its nest. 16
The comparison vayo na svasardni therefore in the above half-verse (prá yád váyo na svráarány áccha práyânsi ca nadi nam cakramanta) means 'as swiftly as birds (fly to their dwelling-places) in the evening.' The idea of swiftness is referred to clearly in other pas. sages also that describe the running forth of the Waters' or rivers after their liberation by Indra : compare 3, 32, 6: tvám apo yaddha vytrám jaghanvá'i átyan iva prd'orjaḥ sártava' jas; 1, 32, 2; áhann áhim párvate siśniydnám .. vdśrá' iva dhenavah syandamana áñjah samudrám áva jagmur d'pah; 1, 130, 6: tvám vị'tha nadyá indra sártavecchá samudrám astjo náthan iva vdjayaló ráthdñ iva ; 2, 15, 3: vájrena khå'ny atnan nadi'ndm vy'tha 'orjat pathibhir dirghayathaih; 4, 17, 3: vádhíd vtram vájrena mandasánáḥ sarann d'po jávaad hatávishnik ; 10.111, 9.10 : ariah sindhuñr áhind jagraadná'n d'd id eta'h pra vivire javëna múmukshamand utá ya mumuore 'dhed etd' n áramante nítiktah || sadhri'cih sindhum ukati'r ivdyan.
16 Sarajantam, I conceivo, is the participle of a denominativo verb formed from saraja (30+ raja which is another form of rajas: see PW, .V., naja and saraja) and meaning to make dust y; to raise dust.' Regarding the simile mahivratam na sarajantam adhvanah; cf. 10, 40, 3,: kdoya dhasra' bhava tha, káoya và nara râjap tr&oa táoad've gacchatha).
16 This idea of gwiftnes is expressed clearly in other verses and similer; cf., for instance, 9, 62, 8: a6 arshendrd ya pitaye tiro romány apya ya of'dan yónå vaneshy d'; 9, 62, 16 : pdvama na auto nr'bhith somo a jam iva sarat camt'ahu édkemana addam ; 9, 62, 19, : avidan kalddam auto vsha krahann abhi' briyah 1 ta'ro nd goshu tishthari ; 9,64, 20: &' yad yonim hiragydyam dsúr playa otdati; %, 87, 1: prd w drava pri kolam ni shida nr'bhih punand abha od jam araha.