Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 56
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 104
________________ 86 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY [ MAY, 1927 Visscher writes: "It will not be useless, nor will you take it amiss, if I include in this letter a somewhat remarkable account of the origin and spread of Christianity in Malabar, which has been sent me by Bishop Mar Gabriel, written in the Syriac language. The title runs as follows:"The antiquity of the Syrian Christians, and Historical events relating to them." "Fifty-two years after the birth of the Messiah, the holy Apostle Thomas arrived at Maliapore on the coast of Coromandel', preaching the Gospel and founding Churches there. Passing from thence to Malabar, the holy man landed on the island of Maliankarre, (situated between Cranganore and Paroe), preached and taught, and built churches in that island, and likewise at Cottacay,3 Repolym1, Gokkomangalam, Pernetta, and Tiroeusngotta ; and having finished his work in these parts and ordained two priests, returned to the land of the Pandies (as the natives of Coromandel are called) (Page 106) to teach the people there. But whilst he was thus occupied, the Apostle was pierced by the Heathens with spears, and thus ended his life. In the course of a few years all the priests in Hindostan and Malabar died; and many years afterwards, a Tovenaar,8 called Mamukawasser, an enemy to the Christian faith, arrived at Maliapore, performing many miracles to hinder its progress. And many of the principal Christians giving heed to him, forsook Christianity and followed this false teacher Mamukawasser. In those days certain persons came from Hindowy or Hindostan, who were not disposed to abandon the people of Malabar, and who allied themselves with the believers10, that is, the Christians, who had remained constant, in number about 160 families, or tribes. These men taught for many years in Malabar, but there were few among them who had knowledge, because they were destitute of pastors; and therefore most of them ended in becoming heathens, and had all things in common with the other heathens. This caused a second apostacy; so that out of the 160 families, 96 adopted the heathen super. stitions, 64 only adhering to the true faith. Now in those days there appeared a vision to an Archpriest, at Oerghaill, in consequence whereof certain merchants were sent from Jerusalem by command of the Catholic authorities in the East, to see whether there were here any Nazarenes or Christians. These persons having arrived here with ships, joined all the Christians from Maliankarre, as far as Tierowangotta, treated them as brothers and strengthened them in the faith; and having taken leave of the 64 families, set sail and returned to Jerusalem and related to the Catholics in that place their adventures in Malabar. After this, several priests, students, and Christian women and children came hither from Bagdad, Nineveh and Jerusalem, by order of the Catholic Archpriest at Oerghai, arriving in the year of the Messiah 745, in company with the merchant Thomas13: and having made acquain. tance with the 64 families, they became united and lived in concord one with another. At this time the famous Emperor Cheram Peroumal was reigning over the whole of Malabar. To him the newcomers went, and when they informed him of the cause of their arrival, the King was well pleased, and gave them pieces of ground in the territory of Cranganore to build Churches and shops upon, that they might pursue their trades; at the same time he granted the Christians royal marks of honour, and permission to carry on their trade throughout the whole (Page 107) country so long as the sun and moon should shine, as may be seen to this day in their documents written upon copper plates. In consequence of this, the Christians possess in the territory of Cranganore East, West, North and South, several churches, besides 472 shops and dwelling houses built round them; and they lived in peace and unity for several years. In this period, by order of the Catholic Patriarch of the East, many great teachers arrived in Malabar, from Bagdad, Nineveh, Jerusalem, and several other places, who assumed authority over the Christians of the country. This state of things lasted until a separation took place among the Christians of Cranganore, in the year of our Lord 823,13 and then Mar Saboor, Mar Botoe, 14 and Seboor Isso came to Quilon as teachers. They went to visit the King Sjak Rawiosti,16 with presents, and built Churches and shops at Quilon.


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