Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 56
Author(s): Richard Carnac Temple, Charles E A W Oldham, Krishnaswami Aiyangar
Publisher: Swati Publications
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(Arnu, 1927
and put tulasi leaves in it. Then a member of his family poured the sacred water into his mouth. After this the firepot was taken in advance, followed by the dead body. The body was taken round the pyre three times, fire was applied to it at its left side, and it was reduced to ashes. Alas! The man is dead and gone!"
The following song is sung by the Pombadas of Mangalore during a marriage ceremony
3. Text. Dena dennå denå dennâye (Chorus). Adikanchige melkanchige kanchigadagenda aramane. Åra Yekananda Sålera bontu bovorgu phovodundu phanpere (Chorus.) Nåyida Malladikare bontu bovorgu phovere, Mannu paikudendâ maleka phovodu phanpere (Chorus). Derenâkudu derodu vachanâgundi vochodu Bontu bovorgu Såde maltadera ära Yekkânalere.
Translation. “That Yekkana Sala, who has built a two-storeyed palace known as the palace of seats, gave orders for going on a hunting party. The Mallâdikara, who has the charge of dogs. will go for hunting. They say that we should go to the forest called Manna paikude or Hill of Mud, a forest never as yet entered by man for hunting. They say that we should go to those depths for spreading our nots, where never before man fished. They have made a way for the hunting party to go. Yekkana Sale is the man who does all this."
(The above song is sung when the bridegroom comes to the hut before he takes his seat with his bride.)
(To be continued.)
BOOK-NOTICES. WHAT THE APOSTLE THOMAS WROTE FROM INDIA, by (c. 185-254) that St. Thomas was sent to Parthia,
T. K. JOSEPH, B.A., L.T. Reprint from The which Dr. Farquhar shows was a mistake, based on Young Men of India, May 1926.
the fact that Gondophares of North India was a A very interesting pamphlet on the fresh evidence
Parthian by race. The seventh, eighth and ninth 03 to this Apostle culled by Dr. Farquhar, taking up
points are all concerned with the fact that while certain points. The first is that Gondophares, Gondophares must be regarded as a North Indiun Guda and the Apostle were all contemporaries in king, all Malabar and Coromandel traditions piace the middle of the first century A.D., a fact lead him in South India; just as, by the way, all Burmese ing "to the belief that St. Thomas was the Apostle traditions place the holy land of the Buddhists in of North West India," which was under Gondo. | Burma and Siamese traditions allot it to diam. pharus. The second point is the examination of a There is a controversy still in progress in Malaysiain weak link in the chain of the argumont. All mo! as to this consideration. All this makes one hope to dom scholars are sygreed that the Syriac work, The see Dr. Farquhar and Mr. Joseph produce something Praksis of Julas Thomas, c. A.D. 200, on which the further of equal value in collaboration as to the South argument depends, is not an entirely faithful rol Indian legend. cord. The third and fourth points are that while
R. C. TEXPLE. the St. Thomas-Gondophary synchronism is cer- SPIRIT BASIS OF BELIES AND CUSTOM, by R. E. tainly a fact, the question arises : can the connec- ENTHOVEN in Folklore, vol. XXXVI, No. III, tion of the two bo 80 regarded ? Mr. Joseph September 1925. London, William Glaisher. thinks that very probably it can. The direct In this important paper Mr. Enthovon has des. answor may be recorded in a genuine Acts of St. canted on Sir James Campbell's well-known theory, Thomas extensively circulated about A.D. 200, if on which he expended so much research, and after it could be found. As regards this point Mr. Joseph all never completed. I had the privilege of being adduces momo remarks of Dr. Farquhar in his well acquainted with him, and it was owing to that Apostle Thomas in Northern India regarding "cir. acquaintance that he was induced, after a long talks oumstantial ovidence that there was in the Edessene over the matter with me during a flying visit to Church a letter of St. Thomas sont to it from India." Bombay, to start on his voluminous printed, but The sixth point deals with a statement by Origen not published, Notes in this Journal. Ho insisted