The Sāmācārī
Oghanir yukti, (2) the tenfold sämā- tary act. This aspect of monastic cāri (that we are going to expound behaviour is characterized by the below) based on the XXVIth expression icchākāra, which stands chapter of the Uttarādhyayana, and for the principle of 'voluntarism'. (3) the padavibhāga-sāmācārī which In brief, all monastic acts are is contained in the Cheda Sūtras absolutely voluntary and self-imwhich are derived from the same posed. This is the general rule. A 9th Pūrva as mentioned above.17 monk should be absolutely indepenThe Mülācāra18 identifies the ten- dent and self-supporting. He fold Sāmācāri with ogha-sāmācārī should not seek any help from a and includes all other sāmācārīs fellow monk as far as possible. He under the padavibhāga-sāmācārī. should exert himself fully without This is also the view of Sāntisūri, sparing any of his abilities in the the commentator of the Uttarā- performance of his duties towards dhyayana Sūtra. The Praracana- the welfare of the organization.22 sāroddhāra19 designates the tenfold Although the monastic Order is sāmācāri as cakravāla-sāmācārī, thus supposed to be a purely volunwhereas according to the Brhat. tary organization, yet occasions kalpa-Bhāsya, 20 the sāmācāris other may arise when a monk is to be than the tenfold sämācāri fall warned to behave in accordance under the cakravāla-sāmācārī Pre- with the rules. Such warning is an cisely speaking, the daily routine application of the äjñā or the comduties of a monk constitute the mand. In case a monk is recalcicakravāla-sāmācāri. 21
trant, some sort of coercion is also The ten rules of monastic possible. In brief, an Order may deportment appear to have been be either a voluntary organization formulated in consonance with the (icchāk ārī), or guided by the counspiritual vigilance (apramattata) of sel of the Head (ajñākāri), or a monk who is expected to be in the
forced to act properly (balābhiyoseventh gunasthāna (stage of spiri- gakārī).23 tual development) called apramatta. Every act of his should be preceded (2) Micchākāra (Skt. mithyākära) : by an awareness that he is going to In case of lapse, a monk has to engage himself in a particular acti- self in a particuiar acti- retrace and repent for the miscon
retrace and vity concerned with monastic life. duct. This is called micchākāra 24 The ten rules are as follows seriatim:
(3) Tahakkāra (Skt. tathākāra)
On occasions of the sermons or
any other instructions by the pre(1) Icchākāra (Skt. icchāk āru):
ceptor the disciples are to give their No coercion or compulsion is complete assent with humility. This desirable in monastic deportment is called tahakkāra, i.e., the accepwhich should be absolutely a volun- tance of the preceptor's words. 25
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