118 Sanskrit, Prakrit and Pali Words
bahu padipunnindiya (bahuprati- pārņendriya) with perfectly and fully developed sense-organs 31. bahussuya (bahuśruta), of versatile
study 31. bala, unlimited tolerance of hard
ship 61, physical strength 70. bāla, novice 46. balābhiyogakārī, a monastic order
forced to act properly 6. balābhioga, coercion 9n. bālava, an astrological division of
the day 52. bala-vīriyasamghayaņā, with strong
and powerful bone-joints 83n: bambhacera (brahmacarya), celibacy
XX. bambhana (brähmaņa), XX. bava, astrological division of the
day 52. bhadra, a particular lunar day 52. bhadra, an intensive course of
penance 65. bhajanā, division 84n. bhaktam panthāḥ, time of begging
and departure 58. bhaktapāna-grahane sāmācāri, de- portment at begging of food and drink 54. bhakta, pratyäkhyāna, renunciation
of aliment 2. bhandanakārakā, makers of strife
34. bhāra-paccoruhaņayā (bhāra-pra- tyavarohaņatā), alleviation of the burden 34. bhāsā (samiti), carefulness relating
to speech 11. bhassakārakā, makers of brawis
34. bhatta-paccakhāņa, see bhakta-
pratyākhyāna 59. bhāva, mode 57. bhāvābhigraha, modes and postures
of the giver to be satisfied according to the resolve of the monk 58. bhāvalinga, spiritual equipment
67, 84n. bhāvanā, practice of self-contemplation, cultivation of spiritual
values 61, 83n. bhavaparihāni, dispossession of the
spiritual equipment 84n. bhāva-samvara, spiritual self-rest
raint 42. bhikkhupesuññe pācittiyam, (Buddhist) expiation for the offence of
backbiting or slandering 12. bhikṣācaryā, going out on begging
tour, 57, 65, 74, 75. bhiksu, monk 41, 52, 87, 102. bhikṣu-pratimas, an intensive course
to be practised by a single monk 75. bhogas, the name of a dynasty 89. bhojana-dsstänta, example of hos
pitality 49. bhojanam, food 89. bhojaniyam, edible 18. bhomam, earthly 88. bhūovaghāie (bhütopaghätikah), causing injury to one-sensed beings for one's enjoyment 11. bhūtagama (bhūta grāma), vegeta
ble kingdom 19. bhūtagāmjapātavyataya pãcittiyam, (Buddhist) expiation of an offence of destruction of vegetable growth 12. biiyacse(dvitiyadese), alternately 84. bīja-bīja, vegetable propagated
from secds 19. biya-ruha (bīja-ruha), vegetable
propagated from seeds 19. bodhi, Buddhist equivalent of Jaina
kaivalya 38. bodhisattva, a buddha in the mak
ing XIX. bollanti, speak 81.
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