28 Asāyanā
17. If on collecting, together
29. If he disrupts the address with the superior, asana (food), pāņa being delivered by the superior. (drink), khāima (sweets), säima 30. If he repeats the same story (condiments), he distributes them twice or thrice as has already been without the permission of the narrated by the superior before the
assembly that has not risen up, not wishes, in good quantity.
broken up, not interrupted, not 18. If on collecting asana (food), scattered. pāna (drink), khāima (sweets), 31. If he rubs the bed and the sāima (condiments), he partakes of mat of the superior with his feet them along with the superior, in and walks without begging pardon good quantity (khaddham khadd- in humility and modesty. ham), the vegetable food (dāgam 32. If he stands on, sits on, and dāgam), the dainties (usadham usa- lies down upon the bed and the mat dham), juicy food (rasiyam rasiyam), of the superior. delicious food (manunnam manunnam), 33. If he stands on, sits on, and choice food (manāmam manāmam), Jies down upon a seat which is fatty food (niddham niddham), dry higher than or on the same level and spiced (lukkham lukkham) food. with that of the superior.
19. if he does not respond to There are different arrangements the call of the superior.
of the āsāyanās in different texts. 20. If he responds to such call The following table will show the unmoved from the place where he difference :
21. If he answers by a counter question like “What do you say?"?
22. If he replies by addressing the superior in second person singular (tumamti) which is an impolite way of addressing the superior.
23. If he answers in a harsh tone.
24. If he retorts (angrily) in the same words as used by his superior.
25. If he attempts to revise the statement of the superior.
26. If he ascribes loss of memory to his superior.
27. If he does not feel elated at the sermon of the superior.
28. If he tries to dissolve the assembly that is being addressed by the superior.
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