Sthavira-Kalpa 47
Thus, if he is compelled to of the novices or the physically commission an attendant or a infirm monks should be supplemennovice or an old monk, he has to ted respectively by experienced observe heavy-four-monthly penance and physically strong ones (cauguruka), whereas in the case of (vrsabha).35 the last three, viz. mortifier, mono- This procedure of despatching maniac, and the non-adept, he has surveyors in different directions to observe “light-monthly-penance" makes separate provisions for the (laghu-māsa). The reason is that monks living in the stem (gacchathe absence of such monk from the vāsī), and the monks practising Order causes some disadvantages, the Time-bound Course attached such as difficulty in begging food to stem (gaccha-pratibaddha-yathāand medicine for the ailing monk Tandika). The stem should desin the absence of attendants, or the patch at least three monks in one assistance (though illegitimate) of direction, while the latter (i.e., the deities or the common men in the gaccha - pratibaddha - yathālandika) absence of the mortifier whom the only two in one particular direcdeities and the common people tion. As regards the remaining might favour, and so on. Likewise three directions, it is the responsithere are many a disadvantage like bility of the Head of the stem to inefficiency on the part of such send surveyors in the other three commissioned monks on account directions for the stem itself and of their physical infirmity or intel- the yathālandika group.36 lectual immaturity or unilateral (iv) Survey (Pratyupekşana) : interest, and the like 33
The duties of the survey parties inThe above-mentioned six types cluded a survey of proper places of monks should be given specific for easing nature (sthandila), faciinstructions before being commis- lities of drinking water, resting sioned. For instance, the non- places, availability of alms-food, the adept should be given proper ins intermediate short distance resting truction in the deportment prescri- places, climate, the route of the bed in the Ogha-Niryukti (i.e.,ogha- itinerary, and such other matters.37 sāmācārī).31 If a non-adept is not The members of the yathālanavailable, the mono-maniac (vaha- dika parties followed their daily inta) should be advised to give up his routine as usual, whereas others angularities and mania before being did not engage themselves in study, despatched on duty. In his absence but collected food from a nearby a mortifier is to be asked to give village. The latter do their Survey up his mortifictory practices. As work in the afternoon, which incluregards the attendants, they should ded occupation of an abode, perforbe asked to leave a complete mance of the daily duties (āvaśyaaccount of the pivotal families ka), and evening study, and resting (sthāpanā-kulāni) specially devoted and sleeping for two quarters. Opto the Order. Similarly the party tionally, instead of sleeping, they
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