The Course of the Victors
Resolute Conduct and Resolute Victor's Course, (ii) suddhaparihāraDeath
kalpa or Purificatory Cooperative The highest end of monastic
Course, and (iii) yathālanda-kalpa
or life is spiritual elevation and per
Time-bound Course, while fection of the self, and preparation
under the latter come the following
three : (i) bhatta-paccakkhāna or for dying in peace. These ends received proper treatment from Suspension of aliment, (ii) imgini the philosopher-saint Socrates, and
or limited suspension of movement, were also dealt with in the state
and (iii) pāovagamana or peniten
tial death (absolute suspension of ment of Cicero and the great essayist Montaigne who devoted a long
movement). essay to the subject that to philo
1. The Basic Conditions sophize is to learn to die. According to Cicero, "to study philoso- The most essential features of phy is nothing but to prepare one's the Victor's Course is an eremitical self to die.” 110 Socrates, in con- life as distinguished from the life in versation with his friends in prison the cenobitic organization. A conwhile awaiting death, tells them crete knowledge of the principles that “the true votary of philosophy of monastic life and a penetrating is always pursuing death and dying." insight into the nature of truth is He tries to prove to them, by his essential for the aspirant to this action as well as by his words, that form of highest spiritual disci"the real philosohper has reason pline. to be of good cheer, when he is about to die."111
The following are the basic conTwo very significant terms have ditions of initiation into the Vicbeen used to denoie the intensive tor's Course : perfection in physical course of spiritual discipline, each and mental forbearance, power of consisting of three stages. These enduring austerities, and a strong terms are abhyudyata-vihāra and physique capable of bearing all abhyudvata-maraņa, ie., fresolute hardships, and freedom from conduct' and (scriptural prescrip- fear.113 Only the persons possessed tion for ‘resolute death.'112
of these qualities in full are entitled Under the category, represented to leave the monastic organization by the former, fall three intensive and retire into the life of the Victor courses, viz. (i) the jina-kalpa or (jina).
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