The Four Monastic Courses
(3) Qualifications : The aspirant nions. In addition to this, he is also to this Course must be perfectly advised by the tirtharkara on the established in samyag - darśana acceptable food (dravya), the place, (right faith), and samyak-căritra and the period for monthly stay (right conduct). As regards the (māsa-kalpa) or the stay during the scriptural knowledge, he must be rainy seasons (varşāvāsa), and also conversant with the nine Pūrvas in
the control of the passions like anger, the minimum, and with the ten Pur- the abandonment of embellishment,
the abandonmen vas less a part in the maximum. He the leśyās, and meditation (dhyāna), must also be familiar with the five and such other items of mental and Vyavahāras (the sources of monastic moral discipline. law),194 and the twofold kalpa
(5) Abhigraha (Secret Resolve): (conduct), viz. (i) The Course of As regar
regards the acceptance of food the Victors (jinakalpa), and (ii) the and drink and outfit, he adopts the Course of the Elders (sthavira
same procedure as prescribed kalpa), or the twofold sthāpanā- for the Victor's Course (jinakalpa (conduct qua commissioning kalpa). a monk), viz. (i) akalpa-sthapana- (6) Time of Adoption and the kalpa (non-commissioning of un-
Numerical Strength of Groups : The
N, trained monks), and (ii) śaikșa
aspirants adopt this Course not sthāpanā-kalpa (commissioning of long after the sunrise, after finishing trained monks).195
the act of confession (āloyaņā) and He is also possessed of consum
disowning the wrong doing (mithyāmate knowledge of the ten catego
duşksta). Now they form three ries of expiations (prāyaścittas).
groups, each consisting of nine The aspirant knows, by the
monks in the minimum power of his extraordinary scrip
The duties among the nine tural knowledge, his life-span, his
monks of each group are distribuown physical strength (bala), vital
ted as follows: one of the nine is powers (virya), and capacity (parā.
made the leader of the group krama). He can also see the future
(kalpasthita) and four of them are health-hazards (pratyapaya).
appointed as assistants (pariharika) (4) Permission of the Tīrthan
in penance, and the remaining four kara: Such aspirant has to seek
as sub-assistants (anu-parihāthe permission of the tirtharkara
rika. 196 and get his advice about the proper way (märga) such as deportment
For the practitioner of this (sāmācāri), which includes all the Course no misfortunes and calamipramänas (the numerical strength of ties arise during the first eighteen different categories) and the various months. They may, however, arise types of secret resolves (abhigraha). after that period, and in case any of As regards the numerical strength, those practitioner dies or adopts it refers to the gana (group), the the Victor's or the Elder's Course, outfits (upadhi), and the compa- then the following procedure should
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