74 The Four Monastic Courses
period denoted by the expression, tioners have to complete the study in connection with the Time-bound under the same ācārya, along with Course, is five days.211 The obser- practising their penance. Usually vers of this Course are called yathā- the ācārya himself has to go to landika, because they go on the them for teaching the remaining begging round for a maximum part, though in the special circums. period of five days only in a parti- tance of his inability to move to cular avenue, and not beyond that another place, the practitioner of period.212 In the minimum, three the Time-bound Course has to go ganas (groups), each consisting of to the ācārya for learning the leftfive members, undertake the over portion. In the latter case, Course.213
the teaching is to be conducted in a
lonely place to avoid the presence II. The Points of Agreement and of other disciples. The reason is Departure
that the yathālandika is not expecOn the tulană (estimate), etc., 214
ted to offer obeisance to his erst
while seniors, on account of his there is essential agreement between the Victor's Course and the Time
observance of a higher spiritual
discipline. The sudden discontinubound Course, there being points
ance of study mentioned above is of departure only in respect of the
accounted for by the chance occuitems of sūtra (knowledge of scrip
rrence of specially auspicious lucky tures),215 bhikṣācarya (going out on
stars for undertaking the Timebegging tour),216 māsakalpa (con
bound Course. 220 duct during the monthly stay)217 and pramāņa (or gananā 'numerical
The points of basic differences strength').218 A brief account of
between the practitioners of the these items is given below:
Time-bound Course, belonging to
the categories of those intending (i) Sūtra (Knowledge of Scrip
to revert to the Elder's Course and tures): The practitioners of the
those intending to pass on to the Time-bound Course fall into two
Victor's Course, are as follows: categories, viz. (i) gacchapratiba
(a) In the case of their inability ddha (tied to the original stem),
on health grounds to observe the and (ii) others (not so tied), each
Course, the former can revert to of the two again being subdivided
their original stem (gaccha) to be as the jinas (those who would pass
received with sympathy and given on to the Victor's Course), and
all necessary medical treatment sthavirus (those who would revert
even in cases of extremely difficult to the Elder's Course).219 The gacchapratibaddhas are so called
types of diseases. 221 because they are yet to learn the (b) The practitioners of the formeaning of a part of the text which mer category keep alms-bowl and they were engaged in the study of also wear robes. These outfits are under their ācārya. Such practi- optional in the case of the second
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