66 The Four Monastic Courses
a rule to be rigidly observed. They divisions, there being only four out do not converse with each other. of six, viz. suşama-suşama, suşama,
suşama-duşama and duşama-suşma,164 XIII. Essential Features (Sthiti)
apportioned according to the Now we come to what is the regions. Specifically speaking, the counterpart of the eighth dvāra fourth division occurs in the regi(head) of the Elder's Course called ons of the Mahāvideha, and there sthiti (essential features), which is only the jinakalpika can be born explained under 20 subheads : 160
and adopt and practise the Course. (1) Kșetra (Place of birth and There are, however, exceptions in place of adopting and practising the respect of the regions and the diviintensive conduct of the Victor's sions of time-cycle, so far as the Course): Both these places should adoption and the practice are conbe situated in any of the karma- cerned. Suppose a would-be jinabhūmis. 161 So far as the latter (the kalpika is born in the Mahāvideha, place of adopting and practising) but is carried away by some divine is concerned, it may take place agency to another region where the outside the karmabhūmis, in the cir- divisions of time-cycle may be diffcumstance of the aspirant's being crent. In that case, the adoption carried away outside the karma- and the practice are possible in all bhūmis by some god (sāharuņa, Skt. the six divisions, according to the Samharana). 162
circumstance.165 (2) Kāla (Time of birth, adop
(3) Căritra (Monastic Stages) : ting and practising jinakalpa): His
There are five monastic stages, viz. birth and adopting are necessarily
(i) sāmāyika 'initiation', (ii) chedoin the third or the fourth ara (divi
pasthāpanīya 'ordination or confirsion) of the avasarpiņi (descending)
mation', (iii) parihāraviśuddha 'intime-cycle, while his practice may
tensive conduct of Purificatory continue into the fifth division. In
Cooperative Course' (iv) sūksmathe utsarpiņi time-cycle, the posi
samparāya 'the stage where the rise tion is just the reverse. In other
of subtle passions only is possiwords, the birth is possible in the
ble' (which is identical with the second, third, and fourth divisions,
tenth gunasthāna),166 and (v) yawhile the adopting is possible only
thākhyāta the highest state of in the third and the fourth division.
monastic life' 167 The adoption and practice are not possible in the second division, be- An aspirant established in the cause the monastic Order (tirtha) first or the second monastic stage is itself has not come into existence qualified to adopt the Victor's in that division, as it is possible Course.168 The tradition says that only in the third. 163
the second stage was introduced by In the Jain cosmography, there Lord Mahā vīra for the first time, are regions where avasarpiņi and and it was prevalent in the times utsarpini do not occur in all their of Rsabha as well, there being
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