brahmacärin, similar rules are for prescribed. A brahmacarin, instance, is asked to be self-possessed and self-controlled and very careful while collecting alms. In the Yajnavalkya-smrt,2 it is said that an ascetic should beg food, being wakeful (apramatta). There are some chapters in the Smrti literature, that are exclusively devoted to yatidharma. For instance, in the Vasistha
1 IV. v. 171.
2 II. 58.
Jain Education International
In Brāhmaṇism 13
smrti, there is a full section on yatidharma where paiśunya (backbiting), matsara (envy), abhimana (pride), ahankära (egotism), asraddha (absence of faith), anarjava (crookedness), ātmastava (self-praise), paragarhā (condemning others), dambha (deception), lobha (greed), moha (delusion), krodha (anger) and asuya (repugnance) are mentioned as the disqualifications of an ascetic.
3 Sutras 244-267.
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