"I became engrossed"; this suspicion that occurs is also a form of awareness of knowledge. In the final awareness of Gnan there is the understanding that, “the separation has to be maintained."
In Gnani Purush's state, all the worldly interactions are done by pudgal, relative self; and He remains vitarag . In spite of interacting with the world at every moment, there is no intense mental note nondha of anything. When intense mental note nondha is done, the vision becomes muddy. Always seen in the eyes of Gnani Purush is the vitaragta , a state of freedom from all attachments.
Where there is true love, there is no intense mental note nondha. Where there is no intense mental note nondha, there is tension free state!
The worldly love is the love that keeps intense mental notes, it is known as attraction-fondness. The love that goes up and down is called infatuation only.
"You told me like this that day", it is called taking an intense mental note and as a result, the love will vanish. By keeping such a note about the wife who is considered to be your own will result in turning a loving life in to a poisonous life.
"To keep an intense mental note is wrong." This will at first be in his conviction pratiti, then it will be in the experience anubhav, then it will be in the conduct charitra . This is the scientific way by which it expresses in conduct.
There will be revenge veyr in the mind if an intense mental note nondha is kept. Half of the pain will vanish by not keeping such a note. Gnani Purush never keeps a note. When you keep a note, the opponent will also keep a note.
At first starts the taking of a note nondha, then the mind's battle starts, then the battle of words and finally it can go up to physical battle. Therefore, it is best to pluck away the root!
The person going for liberation must get rid of the notebook. For those who stop taking notes nondha, their worldly interactions come to an