Book Title: Agam 05 Ang 05 Bhagvati Vyakhyaprajnapti Sutra Part 03 Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Shreechand Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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Out of the ocean of his omniscience Shraman Bhagavan Mahavir has given us many invaluable gems to enrich our heritage. Of these the largest and incomparable gem is Shri Bhagavati Sutra. Originally Drishtivad was the largest and most profound Anga among the twelve Angas propagated by Bhagavan. However, it became extinct with passage of time. Among the remaining eleven Angas Bhagavati Sutra is the most voluminous in its content.
The topics discussed in Bhagavati Sutra are very complex and profound. In order to grasp them it is essential to have knowledge of intellectual tools including, naya (system of variant perspectives), nikshep (system of attribution) and praman (system of validation). In order to understand Jain philosophy, specially from the metaphysical perspective, it is vital to study and understand Bhagavati Sutra. This work is as difficult as voluminous it is. This Agam is a large ocean of scriptural knowledge. Available in it is an astonishing assimilation of all the four thematic classifications (Anuyoga), namely Dravyanuyoga (metaphysics), Charanakarananuyoga (conduct), Ganitanuyoga (mathematics and other sciences) and Dharmakathanuyoga (narratives). In fact it is the key for understanding the secrets of the sermor of the Jina.
The details about the themes and subjects discussed in this work have been enumerated in the preface of the first volume; as such it would be out of place to duplicate it.. In the first volume we had included Shatak 1 to 4. The second volume contained Shatak 5 to 7 and first Uddeshak of Shatak 8. Now in this third volume we have included from Uddeshak 2 of Shatak 8 to complete Shatak 9 (34 Uddeshaks).
The 8th Shatak starts with detailed description of animals with poisonous fangs and their ranges of toxicity. This is followed by elaborate discussion about five kinds of knowledge and intellectual capacity of various living beings. Interesting details about plants with countable, innumerable and
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