198. ण्यन्ते पटिधातौ (पाटौ ), i. e., in the causal form of पट्. फालेइ and फाडेइ however do not in reality come from पटू causal, but from स्फट् and स्फल्.
199-201. These rules speak of the changes of 3. 202, according to this rule is generally changed
to ਨ
204-214. These rules describe changes of a.
207. In a, a is changed to when er in a is changed to by I. 46.
209. In, along with the preceding fa is changed to . etc.-Some grammarians here speak of the change of a to . H. says he did not give this rule because the change of to is peculiar to and मागधी and not to Prakrit, i. e, to माहाराष्ट्री. धृति becomes fa by II. 131 according to H. In reality the in ga is resolved in to and and after dropping a by I. 177 and changing to we can get the form ff.
211. We get , after dropping
and having by I. 8. g, i. e. Prakrit dialect peculiar to सातवाहन, i. e., dialect of गाथासप्तशती.
213. पीत changes its त to व only when a स्वार्थे ल termination is added.
215-216. These rules speak of the changes of 4, which form an exception to the fundamental rule I. 187. 217-225. These rules speak of the changes of a when it is not dropped by I. 177.
217. changes its to
but when it means a as in
only when it means ' fear'; it remains unchanged. 220. meaning a flag on the head of an elephant ( हस्तिपताका ) changes its द to र.
226-227. These rules speak of the changes of when by I. 187 it is not changed to .
228-230. These rules speak of the changes of 7.