APPENDIX « Bring me ( back ) my lover to day though he has given me offence; for, one has to do with fire even though it has burnt one's house." Here we have अग्गिण in ण; तें in Q and अग्गिं in अनुस्वार.
344. In अपभ्रंश the Nom. and Acc. terminations, both sing. and plu., are (generally ) dropped. For एइ ति घोडा See 330. 4. . (1) यथा यथा वक्रिमाणं लोचनयोः नितरां श्यामला शिक्षते।
तथा तथा मन्मथः निजकशरान् खरप्रस्तरे तीक्ष्णयति ॥ " The more does the darkish (young woman=श्यामला) learn the crookedness (side glances ) of the - eyes, the more does the god of love sharpen his arrows on a sharp ( hard ) stone." Here we have वंकिम in Acc. sing., सामलि in Nom. sing. and: निअयसर in Acc. plu. .
345. The Gen. terminations are often dropped in अपभ्रंश. (1) संगरशतेषु यो वर्ण्यते पश्य अस्माकं कान्तम् ।
अतिमत्तानां त्यक्ताङ्कुशानां गजानां कुम्भान् दारयन्तम् ॥ “ Behold my lover who is mentioned in hundreds of battles ( as ) breaking open temples of elephants who are excessively maddened and ungovernable by goads." Here गय stands for गजानाम्..
346. In Voc. plural हो is added to nouns in अपभ्रंश. हे तरुणाः, हे तरुण्यः (च) ज्ञातं मया आत्मनः घातं मा कुरुत. “Ye, young men and women, I have got the ( true) knowledge: do not ruin yourselves.”
347. भिस् and सु are substituted by हिं in अपभ्रंश;. For गुणहिं न संपय see 835. 1.
__ भागीरथी यथा भारते त्रिषु मार्गेषु प्रवर्तते ॥ “ As the Ganges in this land of wa proceeds in three ways (streams)." मग्गेहिं तिहिं is Loc. plu.
848. Nom. and Acc. plu. terminations of feminine words (irrespective of the ending vowel ) are 3 and sit.