APPENDIX .368. (1) भ्रमर मा रुणझुणुशब्दं कुरु तां दिशं विलोकय मा रुदिहि ।
सा मालती देशान्तरिता यस्याः त्वं म्रियसे वियोगे॥ “O bee, do not make this humming sound; look in that direction or quarter, do not weep. That Ared flower at the separation of which you are dying, is away from you at a distance." 370. (1) त्वया मुक्तानामपि वरतरो विनश्यति (फिट्टइ) न पत्रत्वं पत्राणाम् ॥
. तव पुनः छाया यदि भवेत् कथमपि तदा तैः पत्रैः (एव)॥. “O good tree, the leaves do not lose the state of their being leaves because they are separated from you. If however you are to have your shade, you can have it only with those leaves." (2) मम हृदयं त्वया, तया त्वं सापि अन्येन विनाट्यते।
प्रिय किं करोम्यहं किं त्वं मत्स्येन मत्स्यः गिल्यते ॥ The commentator says : काचित् नायिका अन्यासक्तं पतिं वाक्त.. “My heart is captured by you, she has captured you and she is harassed by another; my lover, what shall I do? What will you do ? for a fish swallows another fish. @ais. जइ is rendered by the Com. as विनाट्यते, विभिद्यते and विनड्यते; I think this is a देशी root. Compare नाडणे, नडणे in Marathi. (3) त्वयि मयि द्वयोरपि रणगतयोः को जयश्रियं तर्कयति ।
केशैर्गृहीत्वा यमगृहिणी भण सुखं कस्तिष्ठति ॥ . " When you and I both are on the battle-field, who (else ) would expect to gain victory? Say who would be at ease by pulling Yama's wife in her hair?" The word तक्केइ is explained as अभिलषति. The speaker suggests that a combination of the great heroes would be too strong for the enemy. (4) त्वां मुञ्चन्त्याः मम मरणं मां मुञ्चतस्तव ।
सारसः (यथा ) यस्य दूरे (वेग्गळा ) स कृतान्तस्य साध्यः ॥ Com: स्त्री कथयति । त्वां मुञ्चन्त्याः मम मरणं मां मुञ्चतस्तव मरणम् । दृष्टान्तः । यथा सारसः पक्षी यस्य यो दूरे वर्तते सोऽपि कृतान्तस्य साध्यो भवति मरणं प्राप्नोतीत्यर्थः. If I leave you (it would be) my death; if you leave me it would be yours, like a nice bird; for