NOTES : IV 402-412
sesamum, loses its quality of being a sesamum and becomes खल (oil-cake, wicked )."
(3) यावद् विषमा कार्यगतिः जीवानां मध्ये आयाति ।
तावद् आस्तामितरः जनः सुजनोऽप्यन्तरं ददाति ॥ " When evil destiny befalls men, even a good man would back out; let us not speak of an ordinary man.” :: 407. यावत् becomes जेवड, जेत्तुल; तावत् becomes तेवड, तेत्तुल,'
(1) यावद् अन्तर रावणरामयोः
- तावद् अन्तरं पट्टणग्रामयोः । “There is as much difference between a town and a. village as there is between रावण and राम." । 409. (1) ते मुद्गाः हारिताः ये परिविष्टाः तेषाम् ॥
- परस्परं युध्यमानानां स्वामी पीडितः येषाम् ॥ " The eatables (e. g., मुद्ग's) served to those fighting with one another, are lost if their master is in distress.". गंजिउ is पीडित; of. गांजणे in Marathi..
__410-411. • In अपभ्रंश, ए, ओ are pronounced short; and उं, हं, हिं and हुँ, standing at the end of a metrical foot are also pronounced. short. • For सुघि चिन्तिज्जइ माणु see 398. 2. . For तसु हउं कलिजुगि दुल्लहहो see 338. - For अन्न जु तुच्छउं see 350. 1. . For बलि किज्जलं see.338.1.
For दइउ घडावइ see 340. 1.
For तरुहिं वि वक्कलु see 341. 2. ... For खग्गविसाहिउं see 386. 1.
For तणहँ तइज्जी see 339. 1. - 412. (1) ब्रह्मन् ते विरलाः केऽपि नराः ये सर्वाङ्गच्छेकाः ।
.. ये वक्राः ते वञ्च (क) तराः ये ऋजवः ते बलीवर्दाः ॥ "0 Brahmin, rare are those persons who are good , or clever in all respects. Those who are crooked are great deceivers; those the that are straight-forward are (bulis) (dull).
45 [कुमारपालचरित]