८... 386. (1) खड्गविसाधितं यत्र लभामहे तत्र देशे यामः।
__ रणदुर्भिक्षेण भन्नाः विना युद्धेन न वलामहे ॥ "We shall go to that country where we shall gət. some work for our sword ; destitute as we are by the famine of fight, we cannot live (in happiness) without it." 387. (1) कुञ्जर स्मर मा सल्लकीः सरलान् श्वासान् मा मुञ्च ।
... कवलाः ये प्राप्ताः विधिवशेन तांश्वर मानं मा मुञ्च ॥ • "O elephant, do not think of the सल्लकी plants ; do... not breathe heavy (long) sighs ; eat only those morsels which luck brings you; do not give up your self-respect." Here सुमरि; मल्लि and चरि are the Imperative forms. ___ (2) भ्रमर अत्रापि निम्बके कति ( चित् ) दिवसान् विलम्बस्व ।
घनपत्रवान् छायाबहुलो फुल्लति यावत्कदम्बः॥ “O bee, please wait for a few days even on this filthy Nimba tree (Pag) until the Kadamba tree, having plenty of foliage and shade, bears blossom." Here विलम्बु is the Imperative form.
(3) प्रिय एवमेव कुरु भल्लं करे त्यज त्वं करवालम् । . येन कापालिका वराकाः लान्ति अभग्नं कपालम् ॥
“My lover, please keep this spear in hand as at present; throw away the sword, so that the poor 8191725768 will have at least their begging boul ( कपालं, an earthen pot or human skull ) unbroken." Here it is the Imperative form. 388. (1) दिवसा यान्ति वेगैः (= झडप्पडहिं) पतन्ति मनोरथाः पश्चात् ।
__ यदस्ति तन्मान्यते भविष्यति ( इति ) कुर्वन् मा आस्स्व ॥ " The days pass away quickly; the cherished desires lag behind ; whatever is (in possession) is to be respected (accepted ;) do not sit idle saying: 'it will come to me.' For झडप्पडहिं compare झटपट in Marathi. 389. सतो भोगान् यः परिहरति तस्य कान्तस्य बलिं क्रिये ।
तस्य देवेनैव मुण्डितं यस्य खल्वाटं शीर्षम् ॥ “ I offer my homage to that lover who rejects enjoyments offered, (for) he who has bald head, is shaved