NOTES : IV 354-357
355. Pronouns ending in a have i as Abl. sing. ^termination, eg. जहां etc. यस्मात् भवान् आगतः, कस्मात्, तस्मात्, etc. होन्तउ is भवान्, from Pres. part. of हो ( भू ).
356. The Abl. sing. Mas of किम् has किहे.
( 1 ) यदि तस्याः त्रुटयतु स्नेहः मया सह नापि तिलतार : ( 2 ) |
तत् कस्माद् वक्राभ्यां लोचनाभ्यां दृश्ये ( अहं ) शतवारम् ॥
“ If her intense ( तिलतार, literally in which the pupil of the eye is full of love like the sesamum) love for me is lost, and then nothing is left of it, why am I looked at hundred times with side-glances ? " तहे is तस्याः and not तव as understood by the Com. जोइज्जरं is 1st sing. pass. of जोव. Compare जोवो in Gujerati.
367. Pronouns ending in अ have हिं as Loc. sing. termination.
(1) यत्र or यस्मिन् कल्प्यते शरेण शरः छिद्यते खङ्गेन खङ्गः । तस्मिन् तादृशे भटघटानिवहे कान्तः प्रकाशयति मार्गम् ॥
“ My lover shows the way ( to other warriors ) in the midst of a host where an arrow is cut (met) by an arrow and sword is cut by sword" जहिं and तहिं are Loc. sing. forms.
( 2 ) एकस्मिन् अक्ष्णि श्रावणः अन्यस्मिन् भाद्रपदः ।
माधवः ( or माघः ) महीतलस्रस्तरे गण्डस्थले शरत् । अङ्गेषु · ग्रीष्मः सुखासिकातिलवने मार्गशीर्षः ।
तस्याः मुग्धायाः मुखपङ्कजे आवासितः शिशिरः ॥
This verse describes the condition of a lady seperat
ed from her lover. "The month of п has settled in one eye of the fair lady, while the month of in another; on her couch the spring (as the bed was made of tender leaves ); on her cheeks the autumn; on her limbs the summer; and in the field of sesamum of सुखासिका ( sitting at ease) मार्गशीर्ष; the winter ( शिशिर ) on her lotus-like face." The meaning is that the lady is shedding tears profusely like the rain in the months of श्रावण and भाद्रपद; she got a bed of leaves as in the spring; her cheeks are