"Let there be (a distance of) a lac of yojanas between those that stand separated but do not lose their affection ( artesaas ); for, O friend, he is the source ( store ) of joy who meets ( with unchanged affection ] once in hundred years." Here we have and in Nom. sing. with it ending. In the neuter gender however we shall have Gending only. :. (2) 37: BTT a Aladi Aia ( Efes ) FETTO SPET: 91A: 1 :
: प्रियस्य पश्यन्त्याः मुखकमलं एवं सुरतं समाप्तम् ॥
"My body ( limbs ) did not come in contact with his; my lip did not touch his; friend, our love-sport came to an end when I was only looking at the lotus-like face : of my lover.” Here we have stu in neuter Nom. sing. and in Acc. sing; we cannot have it here. fqət is Gen. sing. See IV. 345. For geas see IV. 420.
333. In 1985T the ending st becomes. T in the Instrumental sing.
(1) HA TAT: fqqet: grada saat i
तान् गणयन्त्याः (मम ) अङ्गुल्यः जर्जरिताः नखेन । "My fingers are shattered (wounded) by nails while I was ( engaged in ) counting the days that were given to me by my lover when he started on journey )." Here we have दइए (दइएं ) and नहेण as Inst. sing. forms. ताण though Gen. plu. in form has the sense of Acc. according to Sanskrit idiom.
334. In 8983 the ending 3 becomes & and g in Loc. sing. i (1) Art: 9h al applat alergia ( 5 ) Trai
स्वामी सुभृत्यमपि परिहरति संमानयति खलान् ॥ “The ocean keeps grass on its surface and puts the gems at the bottom; the master despises the good servant but honours the wicked." We have here in ora in the Loc. sing.