Book Title: Kumarpal Charita
Author(s): Shankar Pandurang Pandit
Publisher: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

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Page 721
________________ NOTES : IV 329-332 671 with the long ending vowel; दीहा Acc. For रत्तडी see IV. 481. दडवड is a देशी word meaning शीघ्रम्. Cf. झटपट in Marathi. In the feminine gender we have :--- (3) पुत्रि (मिट्टीए ) मया भणिता त्वं मा कुरु वक्रो दृष्टिम् । . पुत्रि सकर्णा भल्लियथा मारयति हृदये प्रनिष्टा ॥ "O girl, I told you : do not send side-glances (941 दृष्टि ); for (these glances ), entering into the heart ( of others ), kill them as a spear with sharp and curved edge does." For बिट्टी compare बेटी, बेटा in Marathi, Hindi. ___ In Nom. plural we have :-- (4) एते ते अश्वाः (घोडा ) एषा स्थली एते ते निशिताः खड्गाः । . अत्र मनुष्यत्वं (पौरुषं) ज्ञायते यः नापि वल्गां वालयति ॥ " Here are the horses ; here is the battle-field ; here are the sharp swords; manliness or valour is tested here when one does not turn the reins ( 'of horses ) buck ( but still fights on the field )." Here Fiat has its final vowel lengthened in Nom. plu. . 331. In अपभ्रंश the ending अ of a word becomes उ before Nom. and Acc: sing. terminations ( सि and अम् ). (1.) दशमुखः भुवनभयंकरः तोषितशंकरः निर्गतः रथवरे (or रथोपरि) आरूढः। चतुमुखं षण्मुखं ध्यात्वा एकस्मिन् लगित्वा इव देवेन घटितः ॥ “The ten-faced demon, terrible to the world, got into his excellent chariot after having propitiated godशंकर; he was fashoned by deities as if by thinking of god 'Brahma ( who has four faces ) and कार्तिकेय ( who has six) and by putting both these deities into one; ( staur thus gets his ten faces )." Here we have दहमुहु, भयंकरु, संकरु, निग्गउ etc. in Nom. sing. and चउमुहु and छंमुहु in Acc. sing. with the उ ending.. 332. In अपभ्रंश the masculine nouns ending in अ change their 37 to 311 optionally; ... (1) अगलितस्नेहनिर्वृत्तानां योजनलक्षमपि जायताम् । वर्षशतेनापि यः मिलति सखि सीख्यानां स स्थानम् ॥


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