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be predicated of reality and these may yield the other derivative modes of predication. Thus practically every attribute by being affirmed and denied according to different aspects may bring about seven fundamental propositions true of the real subject.
V. Nikshepa is the consideration of a thing in four aspects, Nama, Sthapana, Dravya and Bhava.
Nama Nikshepa-Giving a name to a thing which does not possess the qualities connoted by the name e. g. to call a person Bhimasena even though he may be very weak in body and cowardly at heart.
Sthapana Nikshepe-Representing a thing by an image, picture or symbol.
Dravya Nikshepa-Attributing a name to an otject which does not possess the qualities connoted by the name now, but which possessed them in the past or might possess them in the future. e. g. to call a retired Commander as Commander or to call the Crown prince as King.
Bhava Nikshepa.-Giving a thing a name connoting the attributes possessed by the object at present e. g. soldier considered as such when he is actually fighting.
Jainism and the other Indian Darshanas. According to Jainism Jiva is established as a real entity. But the Charvakas do not accept this as they recognise no proof except Pratyaksha which is