( 39 ) poor and hungry person before taking his
food. Of these twelve vows we shall study the numbers 1,5 6, and 7 which are relevant for our purpose.
Ahimsa : This is based on the fact that all lives are sacred and all have a right to live and march on the path of evolution. All men are equal to whichever country, race, colour or creed they might belong There can be no social inequality and no inferiority or superiority complex among them. Through Ahimsa, Mahatma Gandhi has not only gained political freedom for the country but he has gone a great way to get the social inequality removed,
Parigraha-parimana : Jainism teaches that every man should have a limit for his possessions. As a necessary corollary it follows that he should fix a limit for the acquisition of his wealth. After reaching that limit he should retire and give room for others to earn. For example if a lawyer retires from his proffession after acquiring the wealth which he has fixed for himself, he will be creating chances to his juniors to take his place and earn. Similarly the business people also should do. If people understand the significance of this vow and follow it closely, the unequal distribution of wealth can be gradually removed. According to the Jaina Ethies it is said that too much of worldly activity and too much of attachment for worldly things will lead a soul to hell.