1 29 ) regards Time as the instrument of creative evolution. The European mathematicians Cantor, Peano and Frege have accepted the reality of Space and Time. The English Philosopher and Realist Bertrand Russell is also of the opinion that Time is a reality and not a form of experience. The Jainas say that time is urdhva-pra chaya, unilateral and in the language of mathematical philosophy Time is monic-dimentional. To sum up the modern realists admit the doctrines that Time is real and is made up of instants or moments, Space is real and is made up of points and the physical world is real and is made up of atoms. Again, Hegel's asser tion that affirmation and negation are identical, is similar to the predications of Asti and N asti Saptabhangi.
Jainism and Modern Science. If a student of science were to read the Jaina metaphysics he would be surprised to note that several of the modern scientific notions and discoveries were already khown to the Jaina philosophers who lived centuries before the Christian era. The eternity of the universe, the indestructibilty of matter, the conception of the ultimate atom and the realities of Space and Time are all facts recognised by modern science. The Jaina idea of sukshma-ekendriya - Jivas, subtle-one-sensed beings corresponds to the scientific view of microscopic organisms. The analysis of sense qualities is as minute as that of modern psychology and the division