P. 4. Jain orators' success in religious disputes-Inscription of the 16th century-Triumphs over European faith, Bauddha and others.
Śrīpāla-charita, in Kannada, by Mangarasa, beginning of the 16th cent.-Kalyanakāraka, a work on medicine in Sanskrit, by Ugrāditya, probably 12th or 13th century.
141 (II) Report, do, 1904-05. Bangalore, 1905. Pp. 2-4. The Changalvas and the Kongalvas. P. 4. MANUSCRIPTS :
Uttara-purāņa, Sanskrit work, by Guņa Chandra, probable date 898 A.D.-Säntinātha Purāņa, a Kannada Champu work of the 10th cent., by Ponna-Yogāmrita, a work on Jain philosophy, probable date 15th century.
141 (111) Report, do, 1905-06. Bangalore, 1906.
P. 3. Sravaņa Belgoļa inscription-priority of the Jains to the Buddhists-Jain sect, one of the most ancient in India, its first discovery in Mysore.
Pp. 4-5. An inscription of 1368 A.D. in Magadi tāluq recording reconciliation effected by Bukka Rāya between the Jains and the Vaisnavas.
P. 6. Literature noticed : Lokopakāra, a Kannada work by Chāmuņdarāya, probably of the 19th century treating of rain, wells etc.Dharmopadeśāmrita, a Sanskrit work on Jain philosophy, by Padmanandi flourishing in the 12th century.
141 (IV) Report, do, 1906-07. Bangalore, 1907.
Pp. 14-15. Account of Sculptures in the three Jain temples at Halebid in the Kannada ms. work called "The History of the Ancient Temples at Halebid” by one Sivananji Ganda.
P. 15. LITERATURE : Sūkti-sudhārņava, a Kannada anthology of the 13th cent., com