community at a comparatively early period.
In the present day, except in Delhi, the Maheśrī, or Brāhmaṇic section of the Rajput caste, intermarries with the Śrāvaka of Jain, and the latter, in turn, employ for their caste and domestic ministration, the Bhojak, or Sevak, a subdivisions of Brahmanas not in high repute among the priestly orders.
GOPINATHA RAO, T. A. A Note on the "Origin and Decline of Buddhism and Jainism in Southern India”. (IA. xlii, 1913, pp. 307-308).
A criticism on Mr. K. V. Subrahmanya Aiyar's paper “The Origin and Decline of Buddhism and Jainism in Southern India" published in the "Indian Antiquary" xl, 1911, p. 209-218, (See No. 379).
BHANDARKAR, R. G. Vaişņavism, śaivism and Minor Religious systems. Strassburg, 1913.
P. 2. The rise of a New Theistic System-Tide of free speculations culminated in the east into such systems as those of Buddhism and Jainism.
Pp. 8-9. The Sätvatas and their Religion-Siddhartha and Mahā. vīra belonged to the Sakya and Jñātrika races of Ksatriyas, and Buddhism and Jainism might be considered to be the religions of these tribes,
Vāsudeva Krişna worship owes its origin to the stream of thought which began with the Upanişads and culminated in the east in Buddhism and Jainism.
HUTTEMANN, WILHELM. Miniaturen zum Jinacharitra. (Baessler-Archiv, Berlin, iv, 1914, pp. 47-77).