- 361 KENNEDY, J. The Child Krishna, Christianity, and the Gujaras. (JRAS, 1907, pp. 951-991).
P. 975. Jain traditions to represent the oldest form of the Krisma legend.
P. 976. Mathura, originally a capital of the śūrasenas, was afterwards entirely Buddhist and Jain.
362 LEWARD, C. E. and KISTANATH KRISHNA LELE. The Paramāras of Dhār and Mālmā. Bombay, 1908.
A treatise giving an account of the Paramāra rulers of Malwa.
Schmidt, RICHARD. Fakire und Fakirtum im Alten und Modernen Indien. [Monk and Monkhood in ancient and Modern India). Berlin, 1908.
Pp. 38-42. Hemachandra and Kumārpāla.
364 Bodas, M. R. A Brief Survey of the Upanishads. (JBBRAS, xxii, 1908, pp. 67-80).
P. 74. Upanishads gave birth to Buddhism and Jainism and many other movements and yet ultimately supplanted them by means of the orthodox Vedanta philosophy.
365 SMITH, VINCENT A. The Gujaras of Rajputana and Kanauj. (JRAS, 1909, pp 247-281).
P. 253-255. "Säkeșvabhasateșu .... varāhe 'vati". This passage of the Jain Harivamsa is of exceptional value on account of the firm chronological standpoint it affords,