Book Title: Aspects of Jaina Monasticism
Author(s): Nathmal Tatia, Mahendramuni
Publisher: Jain Vishva Bharati
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Steya (Stealing) Samjñā (Instincts, etc.)
Sthāna ka Samkā, Kamkhā, Vicikicchā
Sthavira (Ten Classes of Elders) Sāmkhya
Stotra, Stuti, etc. (Hymns) Samlek hanā
Stūpa Samsayavāda (Scepticism)
Sub-consciousness Samudghāta (Exteriorization) Subha, Aśubha, Suddha (MeriSamvara (Stoppage of Karmic torious, Demeritorious, Pure) Inflow)
Subjectivism Samyaktva
Suffering Samyama (Restraint)
Suicide Sarāks
Svādhyāya (Study of Scriptures) Sarasvati
Svetāmbaras Sarira (Audarika, etc.) (Gross Body) Syādvāda Sarvajña (Omniscient)
Tabbās Satya (Pkt. Sacca) truth
Tämra-patra (copper-plate) Satyāgraha
Tantra and Tantrism Sayings
Tapas (Bāhya and Abhyantara Schism
Penance, External and Internal) Science
Tattvārtha Scientific Methods
Teleology Sculpture
Telepathy Sects, Subsects
Temples Self-Discipline
Theism Self-Mortification
Thokadās Self-Realization
Țikās (Commentaries) Sense-Organs
Time (Kāla) Shamanism
Tirtha, Tirthasthāna Siddha (Emancipated)
Tirthankara Siddhasilā (the abode of the libera- Tithis, their importance, influence ted souls)
on health Siksāpada
Town and Village (in the Āgamas) Social Culture (Dance, Drama, etc.) Transcendentalism Sraddhā
Tripadi Sramana Samsksti
Triratna Śramaṇopāsaka (in the Āgamas, Ugrā, Bhogā etc. Disciple of Ascetics)
Untouchability Sramanopāsikā (in the Agamas) Upamā Sreşthins
Upasarga (Calamity) Śripujya
Upāśraya Śrutakevalin (knower of scriptures) Upayoga (Experience) Srutvākevalin, Aśrutväkevalin
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