Buddha, and attained the Nirvana 27, 26, or 25 years earlier than Buddha.
Further to reach to a definite conclusion out of these three alternatives, we fortunately get a small way out - If we suppose that the event of Sammannya-phala Sūtra, had taken place in the 2nd or 3rd rainy season after Buddha's enlightenment, it would mean that Ajātasatru's accession and Bimbis ara's death took place only one or two years after Buddha's enlightenment, that is to say, the contemporaneity of Bimbis ara with enlightened Buddha was of one or two years. But à closer study of the Buddhist Tripitakas reveal that it should be slightly wider than this. Therefore, it will be consistent to take the 4th rainyseason after enlightenment to be the year of Ajatasatru's accession. This will allow a period of three years which is fairly long, for the contemporaneity of Bimbis ara with enlightened Buddha. Thus by taking the last alternative, we reach the final conclusion that:
1. Mahāvira was 17 years older than Buddha.
2. Mahāvira attained the Nirvāna 25 years earlier than Buddha.
3. The total contemporaneity of their life was 55 years, the contemporaneity of their life as religious leaders was 20 years.
It should be borne in mind that the above conclusion is based only upon the life-events of Mahavira and Buddha. Even if we suppose them to have lived in any period of history, this conclusion will hold good. In order to accomplish our discussion, it is essential to think over it from the chronological point of view (234).
It has already been made clear that the chronology of Buddha is in itself quite uncertain. Also, it has been shown that the chronology of Mahavira in itself is almost unanimous and certain. Hence, on the basis of the unequivocal date of Mahavira, the above conclusion can be put in chronological terms. The date of Mahā vira's Nirvana is 527 B.C. Therefore, that of Buddha's Nirvana should be 502 B.C. Now as we have found out the date