heard that Sramaņa Gautama believes in Akriyāvāda and guides his disciples into it..... I would like to know from you if anyone who depicts you like this gives a correct or a distorted description of your views"? To this, Buddha reacted,
"Simha ! There is reason why I am called Akr In my view, Akriyā covers the ill behaviour of the body, of the speech and of the mind. As I advise people to keep aside from these, I am called Akrivāvadi..... But I am also called a Kriyāvādi because I advise people to indulge in kar ma which may lead to the purity of the body, of the speech and of the mind. I have also been described as Ucchedavādi, Jugupsu, Vainayika, Tapasvi , Apagarbha...... also Assasanta because I have acquired 'supreme bliss (consolation) and I speak of it and guide people into
When Simha expressed his decision to join Buddha's order, the account says, the Master advised him to consider the matter thoroughly before taking a step. He further advised him not to close his door to the Nigant has for whom his house had so long been like a fueling station. This impressed Simha all the more.He joined the Buddhist order and invited Buddha to dinner with his monks. For the occasion, he arranged sumptuous meat dishes which the monks ate. As the feast was in progress, with Simha serving meat to the Lord with his own hands, the account says, the Niganthas were heard shouting in the street, "Siṁha has got slaughtered a giant animal and prepared dishes for Sramana Gautama". According to the account, this was lie, since Simha had taken necessary precaution beforehand.
At the end of the feast, Buddha permitted the use of meat unseen, unheard of and unsuspected, and departed.
Source - Vinayapitaka Mahāvagga, Bhaivajya
Khandhaka, 6-4-8.
In the Jaina Agamas, Simha Senāpati and men like him find no mention. Of course, it is neither strange nor im