22. Pious outcome of Sramanahood
Once Buddha was camped at Rajagrha when Ajātas'atru was the ruling monarch there. It was a moonlit night. The king was seated with his ministers. He expressed a desire that in such a beautiful night, it would be worthwhile to listen to the words of some advanced spiritual leader. All the ministers suggested one by one the names of the six enlightened persons of the age, including Nigantha Nataputta, but the king remained silent. The last name suggested was that of Buddha. This time, the king expressed a desire to go and see him. The king came to him, paid him homage, took a seat and said,
"Bhante ! People follow one craft or another and they become happy by earning, a livelihood from it. Can we say the same about sramanahood"?
On this, Buddha asked if the king had put the same question to other spiritual leaders and if so, to narrate what they had said to him. The kink said that he had put the same question to Pūrana Kas yapa, Gosalaka, Ajitakesakambala and Prakrudha Kätyāyana and what they said in reply was all non-sense. Then, he said, he went to Nigantha Nataputta who spoke at length about his fourfold withdrawal, whereupon Buddha gave his solution in great detail. (See Chapter two above). The king was very much impressed by Buddha's words and he became his follower. The king confessed to him that he had been a patricide, but that he was penitent for this crime and that in future he would behave more carefully. Buddha forgave him and gave him his blessings. After the king had gone, Buddha told his monks that the king had committed a heinous crime crime, but for which he could have his spiritual eye opened on that very day.
Source: Dīgha Nikāya, Samaññjaphala Sutta
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The fourfold withdrawal to which Buddha makes reference shows that he was acquainted with the fourfold