liberation. So you relax in your own rooms. The Tathāgata needs no protection".
At Rājagrha, there lived an elephant named Nālāgiri who was extremely turbulent and played havoc with human life. One day, Devadatta came to the keeper of the said elephant and said,
"When Sýamana Gautama comes by this route, you place your elephant before him. (You will be rewarded for this)". The keeper agreed to oblige him. Next morning, the Buddha followed by the monks entered into Rajagrha to beg food. The elephant-keeper released the elephant towards the Buddha. The monks became very much confused and alarmed and requested the Buddha to move aside from the road for his own safety. Many people went atop their own houses or stood at the windows witnessing with concern the scene of the turbulent elephant chasing the Buddha. There were alsс many among them who had no respect for the Buddha, or were really wicked people who said,
"The so-called Mahasyamana is going to be trampled and crushed to death under the feet of the elephant". Those who were wise and had respect for him said, "One nāga (elephant) will fight with another nāga (meaning the Buddha)".
When the Buddha saw the elephant at a distance, he tamed him through his own affectionate feelings for him. The elephant came near the Buddha and stood motionless with his trunk hanging down. The Buddha touched the elephant with his own hands. The elephant touched the Buddha's feet with his trunk, licked some dust from them and placed it at his crest. Then he moved to go in backward steps, without turning his rear portion towards the Buddha. This form he did not change till the Buddha was visible to him, and then he returned to his own shade and stood at his own place. This, roused a wide gossip all over the city. People openly said,
"How vile and mean Deva datta must be to hatch an ignoble plot to kill such a worthy man with great divine power and influence''!