ences. However, he initiated Kapila as his own disciple, taught him his 25 'fundamentals', and started a new school. According to the Jaina Purānas, Kapila took a disciple in Asuri, and the latter in his turn took a disciple in Sankhya. Kapila and Sankhya together elaborated the 25 fundamentals of their preceptor Marici, and thus became the first philosophers of the new school. Their philosophy which has come down to us is known as the philosophy of Kapila or of Sankhya, though, it must be borne in mind, that the real founder of the school was Marici (1).
As Future Tirthankara - Once Bharata submitted to Bhagavan Rsabha deva,
''Bhante! Is there any soul present in this assembly who, like your worthy self, will establish the order and consecrate the land of Bharata"?
Ordained the Lord,
"Your son Marici is the first Tridandi Parivrajaka, His soul is still impure because of the dirt of kar ma. But gradually it will be purified with the help of white (pure) meditation (sukla -dhyāna). (Thereupon, after having passed through several lives), he will be the first Vasudeva named Triprstha at Poitane apur in Bharatavarsa in the down phase of the timecycle. Then passing through several more lives, he will be born in western Videha as a son unto King Dhananjaya and his queen Dharini when he will be named Priyamitra, and he will be a world-monarch. Thereafter, to close his chapter of worldy glidings, he will become the 24th Tirthankara in this group of 24 (headed by me), and at that time, he will bear the name Mahāvira. He will (re-establish the order, on this earth, and will be perfected, enlightened and liberated".
Marici felt elated - Bharata became exceedingly happy to hear these words of the Lord. He was proud that his son would be the first Vas ideva, a world-monarch and the last Tirthankara. In order to communicate this great news to his son Parivrajaka Marici, he hurried to him from